Forum Post: Take away the bank's power. Close your accounts.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 9:30 a.m. EST by bikerboi
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
As consumers, we have more power than the banks think. Every anti wall st person has a bank account.
What if every OWS protester around the globe pulled their money out of the bank and closed their account?
Trust me, the bank and politicians WILL take notice. OWS holds the power to bring the banks to their knees.
Together, we control MILLIONS
We need a USA Santa Clause poster for the holidays. In the likes of the "we want "U"sa campaign."
Holiday retail is a HUUUUUGE marker for retailers, producers, and the US economy.
I really doubt we can affect big electronics or nlkes, with any real noticeable effect soon. But the middle tear guys will listen. I think shoe company's would be an excellent area to pick a targetbrand. The likes of VANS/PUMA/CONVERSE. Retail sales and trends move very quickly. If we were to target one of these. Alterations in company policy and materials used would be noticeable by spring. The media will have to follow and listen as well. Which would create a huge springboard for all to be involved. We could stage run offs in parks, where we "break free from the chains" and drop off chosen brand. We then donate the shoes to another cause or country in need and proceed to boycott the brand. A brand with deep roots in the underground but has taken all its sales force in house and all its manufactoring out of country would have to adjust and offer a USA/N.A. friendly product line.
We own and control the whole fashion industry. They can not take that. We are the artist, the faces, the like buttons, the consumers. This is a huge part of the economy we can instantly affect. They depend on meeting forcast and holiday is the biggest one they have to meet.
Again it is a very fast moving industry. #OCCUPYMAGIC the biggest clothing convention in the US/World. The industry would adjust and ripple effects would be huge. We need a buy North American proclamation.
According to the organizer,
"Together we can ensure that these banking institutions will always remember the 5th of November!! If the 99% removes our funds from the major banking institutions to non-profit credit unions on or by this date, we will send a clear message to the 1% that conscious consumers won't support companies with unethical business practices.
• Research your local credit union options • Open an account with the one that best suits your needs • Cancel all automatic withdrawals & deposits • Transfer your funds to the new account • Follow your bank's procedures to close your account before 11/05"
Here is what I suggest:
Do not move all of your funds. To put this big of a strain on the system may be irresponsible. Move some of your money out. Just opening an account will send the signal we need.
To find a Credit Union:
Gee..thats a great idea. Then the government can bail the banks out again and we can be in a full on depression.
Switch your money from the big banks to your local Credit Union.
Paper money may soon become worhtless anyway, as in 1923 Germany. Better to invest your savings in arable land or precious metals.