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Forum Post: Tactics: Flash Protests

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 8:42 p.m. EST by Tactical (0)
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Have you considered "Flash Protests"? Multiple, simultaneous flash protests? Brief 30 minute protests?

Many Occupy protestors have smartphones or cell phones, have you considered conducting "flash protests" gathering protestors at a specific location for 1-2hrs, then moving the protest to another location for 1-2hrs.

This will give the movement greater visibility, and stop it from being a sitting duck that can be targeted by authorities.



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[-] 1 points by Falcus (81) 13 years ago

This makes sense, but hard to pull off. Also, once a pattern of "30 minutes and were gone" is establish, why will people care? The reason why Occupy is succeeding is because they're forcing their existance over an extended period of time into places that are visible, and are refusing to leave...... If a protest could organize a few thousand people, and shut down a Port for example in a 30 minute time period, then we might be onto something, otherwise were pissing in the wind here I think.......

The point IS to be a target. Because the more the cops beat down on protesters, the more obvious it is that the current local government is corrupt and unsalvageable. After that, its a movement of "Solidarity", which "Flash" Anything is not going to encourage, to send a message to people that, though probably are ignoring it atm anyway, would definitely otherwise ignore the common working person....