Forum Post: Tactical Movement Commands by Professor
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 9:24 a.m. EST by Professor
from Seattle, WA
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Tactical Movement Commands
Form Up: Cheer Leaders and Physical Deterrents (PD's) need to form up in three tiers; Front lines, Mid-Center and Rear Guards. Cheer leaders are to be loud and proud! to embolden the people and continue the movements voice, when orders are given they are to spread commands given, needed in front, mid, and rear lines. PD's are those people who are not afraid to put their strongest asset in harms way, that is, their personal well being, their bodies. PD's are needed in three main lines; In the front lines they are the ones who will not back down, will not let up any ground, will stand firm and be backed up by those behind them; the mid line is in the same purpose, though their alternate purpose is also to support the front lines by not breaking ranks and continuing either a stalwart wall or a push forward depending on the command for the situation at hand; The rear line is to keep the formation strong, to ensure that the entirety of the group does not disband unduly under panic of arrest, that any rear authoritative activities do not surprise or effect the rear group in any manner, they are also to embolden and strengthen any rally goers that would choose to break ranks. The order of command being FORM UP.
Disperse: Dispersing, when relayed by a Cheer Leader is a prime viable option of movement, not to be confused with a full panicked retreat or disbanding. Dispersing on command can cause confusion amongst authorities due to the fact of their riot suppression tactics of dealing with corralling large defiant groups and panicked disbanding individuals. A false sense of security, over confidence of victory will automatically ensue within the authoritarian ranks resulting in a break in ranks where authorities can be lured into areas considered points of interest that actually hold no relevance or importance causing a miss-direction of allocation of resources and over the top responses in use of unnecessary use of force, their predatory instincts of the thugs that they are will take control, they will give chase. The key to a tactical dispersant is a tactical re-grouping without a tactical re-grouping then the group will fail. Key team member individuals are to set the tone for DISPERSE and RE-GROUP , tactical mobile rally points and communication spots or communication individuals are needed to correlate real time movements. The order of command being DISPERSE. The order of command being RE-GROUP.
Envelop: When a protester is singled out envelope (yell out ENVELOP) the situation with a saturation of numbers, be quick and decisive, effectively cutting off access to said individual from authorities, if need be also encircling the few authorities involved separating them from reinforcements. This is a non-violent tactic any undue response from authorities will be unnecessary. The order of command being ENVELOP.
Moving Wall: The moving wall is a clear and defined action and movement of the group, the purpose of action is clearly stated so that all involved know what should be occurring. The three lines of PD's are paramount to the sustained continuous structural integrity of the group and the strength of the moving wall. The moving walls purpose is not just to stand firm but to in fact resist in a peaceful manner of opposition by slowly and effectively moving in step, by step, forward; when confronted by intimidation tactics of the authorities on hand the Moving Wall is a powerful counter tactic at the peoples disposal. The command being MOVING-WALL. The command being STEP/MOVE/FORWARD etc.
Bypass: The concept is to avoid the corralling techniques of the authorities altogether, by bypassing any foreseeable set numbers of authorities, before being surrounded, bypass the confrontation by circumventing the laid out barriers and authoritative personnel. This is not a dispersion and re-grouping but a re-direction of a sustained group, with proper tactical mobile communication personnel, the group can end up directly behind the barricades meant to stop them from moving forward, if they so choose to. The command being BYPASS.
Be prepared, do not panic, defend each other, succeed.