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Forum Post: Taboo

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 9:01 a.m. EST by Pyran (6)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I'm going to speak and speak of one of the taboo words in our society: Socialism.

We imagine socialism as the corruption that communism was, yet we ignore the fact that most other countries in the world are socialist in some respect, even Great Britain, our ally, and it worked for the rest of the world. Now here WE are, after seeing the effects that limiting the controls place on big banks can do, with the desire to increase the economic power of the government, so shouldn't we pull out all of the stops?

Imagine the world like a stack of plates, on top of a filthy counter, the wealthy on the top, the middle class second, the lower class third, as can be expected, with the government being some pieces of wood nearby that can be turned into whatever you want it to be, as long as it is related to helping hold the plates.

The corporations and their associates say, "Why do we need the wood? We are safe."

The politicians say, "We need to make this wood into a holder of some sort, while pleasing everyone." Their construct is lackluster, a flimsy bit of wood and nails, straining underneath the plates alone.

The socialists propose the following: "Let us take this wood and structure it, so that the bottom plate is kept clean, and so that neither the middle nor top plates fall."

Socialism can only work in a society where industry is a major part, and isn't there a desire to "Buy American!"? Socialism cannot act until a group of people acts against the corporations, is that not what is happening now?

I speak the taboo, and am ready for the flame war that will begin as a result of this thread, but I merely expect you to read this and think, think with your own mind, an open mind.



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[-] 1 points by ThatAutisticGirl (150) from Alameda, CA 13 years ago

Communism is just the state wherein the People own the means of production. There are many ways of executing such a society, not all of which involve a totalitarian state. Communism becomes problematic because, in wresting the control of the means of production (wealth) from the monied class, the control of the means of production is often placed in the hands of an administrative class which then eventually reaps the benefits thereof at the expense of the working man.

It is important never to allow the few to consolidate power. Power must remain democratized. Those with special skills in administration may advise and coordinate on the people's behest but must never be allowed to wield power on the people's behalf!

[-] 1 points by Abc3602 (42) 13 years ago

Well said!