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Forum Post: Systems, labels, judgments, and how they affect our lives.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 1:43 p.m. EST by JPHOENIX (124)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It's not that capitalism or socialism or communism is 100% good and the others are 100% bad. They're all initially put into place with the best of intentions. But they're all imperfect because humans are imperfect, so there will always be loopholes no matter what system we put in place. If humans were perfect, there would be no need for government or laws in the first place. So the vast majority of us can agree that a government is a necessary measure in some form.

However, there comes a time every few decades/centuries where the system gets mutilated beyond recognition, and no longer serves the greater good. With a record number of Americans living in poverty, the people are demonstrating that they will no longer accept this government run by the rich, for the rich. Which is why these protests have arisen and become the talk of the entire world within a few weeks time.

Each governmental entity is a dynamic power structure that is different from all others in the world, and all others in history. When we use umbrella terms such as "capitalism is evil!" or "socialism doesn't work!" we are trying to make things black and white and oversimplifying them. Every system works in theory, and runs relatively smoothly when it's first put into place. And in reality, every system can be degraded and collapse over time. What's important is that each society does what is best at that moment for the people.

The banks in our country can be considered the ultimate capitalists, holding billions (trillions?) in assets. However, when they were on the brink of collapse, they asked us taxpayers for $700+ billion in loans to save their existence. That act can be considered "socialism." But at the time, it was what saved our entire nation from collapse.

Let's focus on specific actions and solutions that serve us all best right now. We need to cut down on the labeling and judging. Not everything can fit into a little box. We need to evaluate things as objectively as we can. Too much partisanship has delayed the recovery from the first recession, and if it doesn't stop, we're on our way to another one. Be an individual who evaluates things with your own mind before instantly dismissing them. Turn off the radio, the TV, even the internet for just a little while, get away from everyone and everything for just an hour - and think deeply about what troubles humanity right now. And think about how we can fix it. We need to let go of the hate and start seeing eye to eye.

I agree with some ideas from the right, and some ideas from the left. But when we focus too much on judging everything through that lens, it gets us nowhere. Whether an idea was created by republican, democratic, or independent affiliates is meaningless. What's important is creating a plan that incorporates different viewpoints - one that is fair - and implementing it. This struggle is not really a right vs. left thing. It's a right vs. wrong thing. The true underlying problem is that we all think we should receive more and give less. That is the mentality that created this situation in the first place, and it needs to change in every single one of our minds, no matter how much or how little we feel we have. We need to be willing to give. This goes for all 100%. Not just the 99% or the 1%. Let's lead by example. I know I am willing to work a little harder, give a little bit more of my time and money, compromise and have a little bit more compassion for others - if it means a peaceful existence for all of us. And if we don't start doing that as a whole, things could very easily spiral out of control and get much worse for all of us. Which road we choose to go down is up to us. We are at a crucial period in time, and every action we take right now is shaping world history. We must be as mindful and responsible as possible when deciding which thoughts we are thinking, which words we are saying, and which actions we are taking. Yes, there is a lot to be angry about right now. Emotions are running high. But ultimately, we have total control over our own reactions - and nothing else. If we are proud to be Americans, and citizens of the world, and brothers and sisters who care about one another, then let's start treating each other with some human decency and respect.

My one demand - is to shake your hand.



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[-] 1 points by michaelbravo (222) 13 years ago