Forum Post: Systemic change
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 29, 2011, 1:57 a.m. EST by Ryhack
from West Haven, CT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This movement needs something powerful and real to rally to. I see a diverse group of citizens identifying a discrepancy in policy. Now what we must do is work to solve this. Imprisoning the greedy ands taxing the wealthy has appeal, but these causes lead us to solutions that are little more than appeasement. Systemic change in the way we are represented is what I see to be the root cause of policy favoring the establishment. Now we can choose to support candidates as others have, or we can demand something more. Our elected representatives are no longer tied to the people as they used to be, this is where change becomes real.
The United States is in need of more dynamic leadership, and accurate equitable representation of the populous. Rural and wealthy areas are disproportionately represented, one vote in Idaho holds a higher value than one in south central LA. Local, state and federal politicians rule mini fiefdoms in "safe" districts through a bastardization of electoral apportionment, allowing few to be contested and the status quo to continue.
I propose the electoral college be ended and popular election to identify our future Presidents. Redistricting of congressional seats needs to be taken away from the ruling party and put into more objective hands; computer, non partisan firm... This would realign the interests of the elected with the electors.
Additionally the way in which campaigns are financed must be corrected. Why do we allow donations from outside our area to impact our needs. On this the solution seems to be tie political donations to voters within the district of the office sought. So a Senate candidate from Connecticut may only accept contributions from Connecticut voters.
Now these may seem improbable or impossible, but united we can demand that they are adopted. I would guess that it must be done through a constitutional amendment, to prevent legal challenge and overrule by those so invested in the current system. What are the real impacts of this? True representative democracy, a breakdown in party discipline that promotes stagnation, and eliminating perpetual incumbency. The ultimate accomplishment is a more dynamic system of governance, where elections are decided by voters and not by dollars.
I welcome debate, argument, and development of this idea. I am one but we are collectively the powerhouse of change and progress.
Folks, here's what's turning your movement into a sideshow, and into eventual irrelevancy. First, you have no coherent platform. There are just a bunch of demands, some reasonable, others ludicrous. I saw "The Movement" in the 60s and they ended up having one basic platform - get out of Vietnam. People nationwide related to that and in the end we left Vietnam. If you want grassroots support you must ensure Main Street understands what you want. Second, your movement is being played by the Obama regime. They're trying to use you when they've sucked up just as hard to Wall Street as the Bush Administration. The Obama regime will do ANYTHING to be re-elected. Should they get in again, hey, they've cashed their check and won't give a flying fuck about you, me, or anything/anyone else but their own agenda.
You and the Tea Party people may have more in common than you think. They are better organized and have turned that organization into some political power, helping people get elected at all levels during the 2010 election. If you truly want change in the USA it can only be done through the ballot box. Right now you have no chance. But if you and the Tea Party can find that common ground, can work together, can develop some sort of coherent, rational platform, your chances to realize lasting change grow dramatically. Someone reading this is in a leadership position within your movement. What's it going to be? Do some heavy lifting, find some allies, really do something great and right, or just keep jerking off?
You are right. see my blog
These are the best of times and the worst of times
America has spectacular talent. Brilliant people who compete in sports, entertainment, technological advancement, and too long a list to complete. How can these people be so oblivious to the bribes, the fraud, the deceit of the media propaganda that protects outrageous government corruption.
The incredible World Series game six won by the Cardinals to send it to the rubber match is pure American. How can we let this miraculous place on earth be destroyed by disgusting privileged crooks.
Here's the problem. Marching to these bums' houses proves nothing and solves nothing. To be blunt, they laugh at what you are doing. No coherent platform, no leadership. When winter gets here most encampments will be gone. You can only succeed by getting to and getting into mainstream America and this is not happening. The Tea Party is further along and far more people identify with them than with you. They are just as angry as you are but express themselves in better-accepted ways. It CAN be done.
It can be done but not by the Tea Party. I despise people like Ann Coulter, O'Reilly, Hannity, and Beck.
If the Tea Party wasn't assholes on be in it.
We have the OWS whiners and wimps or the racist liars. See my blog please.