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Forum Post: Survivors by John Stewart

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 12:31 p.m. EST by FloydGarrett (0) from Mentor, OH
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This should be the theme song for the movement.


He broke his back To put the food on the table In Columbus Ohio he said to his wife "I believe that the flag It was more than a rag But the outlaws in office Have shattered my life"

Can you hear me Ohio? You are the country You are the nation You will survive Can you hear me Ohio? You are the country You are the nation You will survive

Children in Cheyenne Are taught in their schools Believe in the country Don't break any rules But the T.V. is on and they Know something's wrong Someone must tell them To keep pushing on

Can you hear me Wyoming? You are the country You are the nation You will survive Can you hear me Wyoming? You are the country You are the nation You will survive

Devils and angels Belong in the church You try for the best And you deal with the worst Just keep on plugging You old nine to five For you are the heartbeat That keeps us alive

Can you hear me Virginia? You are the country You are the nation You will survive

Can you hear me Dakota? Can you hear me Colorado? Can you hear me California? Can you hear me Wisconsin? Can you hear me Arizona? Can you hear me in Georgia? Can you hear me in Texas? Can you hear me Hawaii? Can you hear me Alaska?

You are the country You are the nation You will survive



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