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Forum Post: Surpressed for 80+yrs: The cure for diseases, inc. highly aggressive cancer, MS, TB, and many more..

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 11, 2011, 4:34 a.m. EST by blazefire (947)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

So for those that don't know the work of Dr Gerson and the Gerson therapy, please feel free to google more info....theres simply so much available.... Here is a pretty good doco that I found detailing a cure for cancer, skin malenoma, TB, Bone TB, Heart conditions and many many more. After doing further checks you find similar stories of the same method being used again and again, with miraculous results.

The problem. The problem is that it's cheap. Very cheap. I love this quote..."It makes alot of sense (cents), but it doesn't make many dollars." The original discoverer was poisoned, and this information has been surpressed (by the pharmacutical industry), in order to create, not a cure for cancer, but a marketable cure for cancer.


Heres their home page:


Spread the word.....this is revolting....millions have died, and millions more are dying, because the cure for cancer is not saleable.

Spread the word, so that millions more don't have to die.



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[-] 1 points by XXAnonymouSXX (455) 13 years ago

You should check this guy out. He has been performing miracles with his antineoplastons. Curing even the most serious brainstem glioma. He was supresssed for years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S81PXHwjMAQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player

[-] 1 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

Damn! I don't have the bandwidth to watch it! I'm gonna have to find material on this, it sounds incredible....!!! Thanks!

[-] 1 points by XXAnonymouSXX (455) 13 years ago

His name is Dr. Burzynski. He is out of Texas and he is doing really amazing things. You can watch a documentary on netflix or online called Burzynski: Cancer is serious business. Please spread the word of this wonderful Dr and what he is doing. Thank you.

[-] 1 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

Thanks again....I'm gonna google the shit outta this....lol.

Omnia vincit amor. Carpe diem.

[-] 1 points by barb (835) 13 years ago

Conventional medicine does not want the cure for any diseases since they would lose profit. Natural products may help some people but it is not enough when we live in a toxic environment that causes mutations in our genes that activate these diseases. Not only that but our food supply has been altered so we obtain less vitamins from it, not to mention the air quality we breath is poor.

[-] 1 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

Yes our internal environments mirror our external ones...

"let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food" - Hypocrates

[-] 1 points by demcapitalist (977) 13 years ago

You do know that Steve Jobs, who just died of pancreatic cancer declined standard medical treatment for his cancer in the early stages and decided to try diet. The guy was rich enough to buy 10 hospitals so he had access to the best care and I'm sure the best diet. Americans have awful diets that contribute to illness for sure and I would always recommend switching to a healthy diet to help with any ailment but it's not a substitute for good medical care, particularly in the cases of cancer where you have the option to cut the cancer out..

[-] 1 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

Yes I did know that. And is it not interesting that someone with millions of dollars, that can afford the best treatments money could buy, and, has more smarts than most advocated that style of treatment. Why would he do that, if there was no chance of success or results?

Please see my reply to fluke below for more information in regards to this...

And just think, for every celebrity that you could whip out that has not survived using the gerson therapy, thousands could be whipped out that have not survived after chemo.

[-] 1 points by demcapitalist (977) 13 years ago

He died because that treatment didn't cure him. He might be alive if he had followed his doctors early advice. Again I'll say, changing from the awful American diet to a healthier one is a good thing to HELP combat most ailments, diabetes, heart disease, auto immune disorders, and cancer. It's a shame that our Doctors are not more in tune with it BUT it is not a substitute for medical care.

[-] 1 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

I wouldn't know, however I would accept that as fact. To be clear, no medical treatment is 100% effective. People have died after a tonsilectomy. People have died from the common cold.

However the statistics that are presented cannot be ignored, and again I will say that for each person, that has died through the Gerson therapy, how many have died through Chemo?

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying "guaranteed", as such, I'm saying that the results are incredible, and they are.

I'm saying people have been cured through this therapy. Please watch the video, it will give you more places to research than I could write here. Research yourself, look at the x-rays yourself and see the results, yourself. I'm certain Steve Jobs did.

[-] 1 points by Fluke (47) from Örebro, Örebro Län 13 years ago

A healthy diet and may prevent some forms of cancer to develop (it MAY) and avoiding contact and consumption of carcinogens will definately reduce the risk of getting cancer. But to go from that and claim that drinking a glass of juice every hour, eating an organic, vegetarian diet and taking coffee enemas would CURE highly aggressive cancer and other fatal diseases is just plain irresponsible. There are no strong evidence supporting it.

Before putting this extraordinary claim to fatally ill and desperate people you should have extraordinary evidence to support it. There are no such evidence.

Before anyone visits gerson.org and starts buying stuff there it is wise to read this first.


"Charlotte Gerson claims that treatment at the clinic has produced high cure rates for many cancers. In 1986, however, investigators learned that patients were not monitored after they left the facility. Although clinic personnel later said they would follow their patients systematically, there is no published evidence that they have done so. A naturopath who visited the Gerson Clinic in 1983 was able to track 21 patients over a 5-year period (or until death) through annual letters or phone calls. At the 5-year mark, only one was still alive (but not cancer-free); the rest had succumbed to their cancer"


[-] 1 points by Gillian (1842) 13 years ago

Evidence based medicine is useless if doctors rely solely on it and not use their commonsense. It's also useless when doctors treat their patients with a one size fits all treatment. Evidence based research is more than often a very over-simplified method of determining the safest level of any drug that will produce a positive effect/ not a cure. This is why we have poor outcomes and more and more adverse reactions and more law suits. When medical researchers sample a population, they rarely ever consider the environment that a person lived in or their genetic makeup or other critical factors that play an important role in how effective certain medications or nutrients will be. There are specialized doctors who do consider those variables when treating their patients and they specialize in environmental medicine. Steve Jobs for example was exposed to an enormous amount of EMF for many years and despite his ability to pay for the best medical care in this country, I will almost guarantee that not one of his doctors ever considered his genetics or his working environment years ago and educated him about the need for preventive lifestyle habits that would reduce the toxic load in his life. Having more money doesn't buy you better care anymore. Everyone gets the same lame care- it's just that some of us get more or less depending on our insurance provider. The wealthy however, have access to alternative treatments here and in other countries because they can afford to pay out of pocket for those treatments. Preventive Medicine is the key to preventing disease but of course there are never any guarantees based on too many factors to list here. In any event, everyone should be practicing prevention beginning in their youth. Genetics plays a HUGE role in how a person's body responds to toxins, nutrients, and other dietary elements. I've known men to smoke two packs of filterless cigarettes who lived to be 98 years old. But, we must consider that cigarettes today contain a host of toxins that they didn't contain many years ago. We must also consider that children today are not able to adapt as quickly to the environmental toxins they are being exposed to today because they are genetically programmed to adapt to different pathogens, toxins and diet. We now have epidemic childhood illnesses like asthma, anxiety, depression, diabetes, hormone related cancers like breast cancers in children under the age of 15. Our food today, organic or not, is rarely nutritious because farmers do not amend the soil with real, organic nutrients. Synthetic fertilizers have no benefit to our human bodies and in fact, like synthetic vitamins, are perceived as toxins that stress our lymphatic system on a continual basis. Unless you pick it from your own garden, you cannot possibly obtain sufficient nutrition from your food. a food label is hardly a source of accurate information and all that ' evidence-based' nutritive guideline is based on the bare minimum of nutrients needed to prevent scurvy or other diseases caused by ACUTE deficiencies. If you live near a highway, work in a hermetically sealed office building, have carpeting in your home, a history of breast cancer in the family, etc.. you need to be treated differently by a doctor than someone who lives in the country, drinks well water and organic farms for a living and has a history of breast cancer in the family. Yet, they are treated the same way when they see the doctor for anything from strep throat to cancer. We don't consider prevention a priority in this country in regard to anything- especially health! We just go through life waiting for something to break and then we attempt to fix it with the cheapest method possible.

[-] 1 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

DId you watch the documentary? Or see the x-rays. Or see the medical records?

If it is pure quackery why are there so many people reporting success...here I even googled it for you


If it's quackery then surely lead surgeon's in Japan would not also, be publishing remarkable results...


Hmmmm and why would there be so many people out there, using the same methods, acheiving result....like the ian gawler foundation just around the corner from me...


Here's an extract, proving the 'long term investigation' statement incorrect:

A study to document long-term survivors and possible tumor remissions among patients receiving the Gerson Therapy is currently being conducted under the direction of Gar Hildenbrand of the Gerson Institute. (12) This best-case review includes patients who were not "contaminated" by other therapies, having received only Gerson Therapy, as well as patients who had failed previous treatment. An uncontaminated case is one for which chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery cannot be deemed responsible for the remission.

In 1984-85 I worked for the Gerson Institute as a consultant on this project. It was my job to research the case histories and medical records of Gerson cancer patients who were long-term cancer survivors. I spent many hours recording the personal stories and case histories of patients who had been nearly killed by traditional forms of cancer therapy before turning to the Gerson Therapy for healing and new hope.

There are detailed records of cancer patients who received the Gerson Therapy and have been in remission for over twenty years. In this respect, the Gerson Therapy is the most successful alternative cancer therapy—in terms of numbers of "cured" patients to report and the length of time many of these patients have been in remission. Some of the long-term Gerson survivors alive today are patients who were originally treated by Dr. Max Gerson himself. (8)

Source: http://curezone.com/diseases/cancer/gerson.html

Lastly Max Gersons book itself.


Note the title.

[-] 1 points by Fluke (47) from Örebro, Örebro Län 13 years ago

I don´t know what you mean by "pure quackery" i never used that expression myself. What i belive is that it is a case of "the blind leading the blind (and fatally ill)" and making money from them.

On Ian Gawler:

"Ian Gawler has not been completely frank in his description of the treatments he received. While he may have spent a lot of time on his own self-prescribed remedies, he also received orthodox treatment, although in his books and interviews he has played down their role in his cure."


"First then, the term “alternative”, as used in some reports of the case, is misleading. Cancer management falls into three broad categories: conventional medicine, complementary and alternative medicine, and lifestyle medicine. My personal recovery involved all three, while my work focuses on lifestyle."

Ian Gawler

Gawler admits himself that he recieved conventional treatment and also that his cancer was not that sever, as he earlier had claimed.



Gerson Therapy:

Poor evidence.


Safety concerns:

"Gerson therapy can lead to several significant health problems. Serious illness and death have occurred as a direct result of some portions of the treatment, including severe electrolyte imbalances. Continued use of enemas may weaken the colon's normal function, causing or worsening constipation and colitis. Other complications have included dehydration, serious infections and severe bleeding. The therapy may be especially hazardous to pregnant or breast-feeding women. Coffee enemas have contributed to the deaths of at least three people in the United States. Coffee enemas "can cause colitis (inflammation of the bowel), fluid and electrolyte imbalances, and in some cases septicaemia." The recommended diet may not be nutritionally adequate.The diet has been blamed for the deaths of patients who substituted it for standard medical care. Relying on the therapy alone while avoiding or delaying conventional medical care for cancer has serious health consequences"

The Japanese surgeon´s research seem to be in the making when that text was written. Was that 2006?

"Prof. Watayo and Prof. Hoshino are compiling the data and records that are leading to incontrovertible proof of the efficacy of the Gerson Therapy. " "was to be presented"

Howard Straus is assuming what is supposed to be proven. He´s biased. Not a reliable source. If some lead surgeons in Japan (a counry in which the attitude towards alternative medicine is more positive) happens to believe in some alternative method of curing cancer and talks about some compilation of reasearch to come, you still don´t have any indisputable evidence for that treatment.

I´m interested in how a person with diabetes responds to the Gerson Therapy, drinking litres of sweet juice every day...well i already know. That person will become very sick and possibly die.

"Hmmmm and why would there be so many people out there, using the same methods, acheiving result....like the ian gawler foundation just around the corner from me..."

Simple, anectdotal evidence and selection bias. A patient may experience a treatment as positive and "feel better" and may say that they are more comfortable and in control of their illness etc. The problem is that the term "health" is subjective. You can find an elite sportsman with no illnesses that feels ill or believes he/she is ill, as well as you can find a person that is dying from cancer but doesn´t experience it that way and even say that he/she feels well.

Important is also the fact that many alternative methods give these desperate patients, more or less intended, a "social treatment" that no doubt much of the conventional treatments lack. I would say this is the most positive thing about SOME alternative treatments, it provides care for the patient that is seen as a human being rather than a sick body, even if they won´t cure the disease. This can provide a sense of well being even if you are terminally ill. But i think it is disgraceful to write books filled with vague and poorly, if at all, verified claims and then sell them to desperate people while putting them at risk of avoiding treatments that really can save their lives.
