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Forum Post: Suprise, Suprise

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 10:21 p.m. EST by Tinhorn (285)
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During this time of economic harship for a majority of middle class America, Congress and the President are going to take a vacation to play golf again, I'm shocked!!!!!



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[-] 1 points by kingscrosssection (314) 12 years ago

What comments do you expect hear? Of course the general consensus is going to be outrage. Way to be productive.

[-] 1 points by ScrewyL (809) 12 years ago

Wait, he may have a point. >.>

...This means... the Capitol building... is currently... abandoned...

[-] 0 points by Tinhorn (285) 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by Tinhorn (285) 12 years ago

I don't expect to hear any comments if you so choose not to say any. I just think it's funny that these clowns are so out of touch with reality that it most likely hasn't even occured to them that taking another vacation while most of the country is in termoil is amazing.

[-] 0 points by owsleader2011 (304) 12 years ago

Its of utmost importance that during times of crisis to act like everything is normal.

The Titanic is sinking, and the 3rd class passengers just might panic if they knew the ship had hit an iceberg, so lord-oreo-obama continues to go about as if there were no problems,

In truth the MOFO must be terrified out of his fucking mind. Think of the 100's of millions of guns in the USA that have not yet been confiscated, ... so much work to do so little time.

I'll tell you what I think, all this vacation BULLSHIT is cover for 'continuity of government planning', cuz as we know with the OWS protests the government is losing control and quick.

The US dollar et-al is ONLY a confidence SCAM one big fucking PONZI of all ponzi's if the OREO were to show fear the whole world would DUMP the dollar in a nano-second and in the morning store shelves would empty of food forever, ... thus its imperative to 'golf', but reality of being I can guarantee they're in DEEP EMERGENCY PLANNING.