Forum Post: Supportive Combat Veteran, but....
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 3:24 a.m. EST by username111
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
As a combat veteran of the Army (Gulf), I have to say how proud am I that y'all are demonstrating how right the idea of liberty and freedom is! Where else in the world can you so easily practice the right to "free assembly", etc. However, while this is spreading, why not organize not just geographically, but across every imaginable group in our society, then encourage that globally as well. For example, I REALLY got fired up seeing the video of the black marine shouting at the police officers about how "they're not tough..." I realized upon watching that he's right! As a combat veteran, whether or not I agree with every detail of every protest, I have to stand with every American citizen using their freedom and being brutilized by the governement. Therefore, why not Occupy For Veterans? Occupy For Latinos? etc. I'm not talking about new movements, but micro organizations of existing ones. If I saw a group of vets protesting in my city, I would HAVE to go down and stand with them. Just a thought. Keep it going!!!
You can definetly do that you just have to start it.. There might be an occupy vets not sure this is expanding quick.