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Forum Post: Supporting local businesses

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 3:19 a.m. EST by Stileto (10)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I think the Occupy Movement should put together a list of local businesses and support them. If you are going to fight, challenge, and attempt (and a noble one it is) to boycott greedy corporations, you should support the local mom and pop operations in your respective Occupy city. Large scale operations can afford a blitz ad campaign through various mediums but old fashioned and respectable business is really word of of mouth through the people and by the people. Pay it forward by by according those you champion.

Just a thought.



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[-] 1 points by Stileto (10) 13 years ago

It's not about implementing policy. It's about doing something as simple as just passing off a flier. Let's not fall into the corporate trap of advertising. All those media fuckwads will scream hypocrisy.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

I mentioned boycotting corporations and buying locally two days ago and nobody supported me :(

[-] 1 points by Stileto (10) 13 years ago

Nah. They do. Just busy!

[-] 1 points by thesoulgotsoldontheroadtogold (148) 13 years ago

i've mentioned it before too.... it takes a while for it to catch on...

[-] 1 points by thesoulgotsoldontheroadtogold (148) 13 years ago

I think this is a very appropriate and great idea.

[-] 1 points by Stileto (10) 13 years ago

And I think we should get on it. Unfortunately, I'm... I can't tell you who I am, but more importantly, I can't tell you who he is LOL

[-] 1 points by Stileto (10) 13 years ago

But listen everyone, you're right. You are absolutely right. But then you're wrong. Do you really know that for sure? I live in an incredible city which I shall not name here. I get delivery in less than five minutes. I get prices that are competitive. I get deals that I'm constantly shocked at getting because of where I live. You have to stop believing you are NOT getting them, and just seek. Seriously. It's precisely because of what I said originally. Advertising. And if you are not happy with the inventory? Then ask yourself this - Do you really need it? Is it a want or a need? If it is the former, I'll elaborate further. Best of luck and love to anyone and everyone.

[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

I always try to shop small local stores if I can.

When OWS started and asked for food donations, they did ask people to contact the independently owned vendors to send food.

Liberato's pizza was crazy busy sending those pies.

[-] 1 points by oclisa (74) 13 years ago

The problem is that the megastores have so much more inventory and are usually much more convenient than a local small store.. Even if the megastore's merchandise was more expensive than the local mom and pop store, people would still shop at the megastore because of the convenience. This is how the Walmarts, Home Depots, Targets, etc. have pushed the Mom and Pop stores out. It's not the ad campaigns as much as the large selection and a variety of merchandise that draws the people in.

[-] 1 points by justwantanaccount (68) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Good idea! I do wonder how you can implement that policy, though . . . ? It is cheaper right now to buy from big corporations than from small businesses. Persuade people to not buy cheap stuff?

[-] 1 points by Stileto (10) 13 years ago

At this point, it's not about being cheaper. It's about foregoing.

[-] 1 points by justwantanaccount (68) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I wish things worked like that, but there are 300 million people in the US. Is it possible to get everyone to act this way?

[-] 1 points by Loubird1 (4) from New Windsor, NY 13 years ago

Yes support mom and pop stores boycott Walmart

[-] 1 points by NewDay (7) 13 years ago

Most small business owners are victimized by big corps just like the average person who labors day and night to make enough money to pay the bills. It's becoming impossible for small business to survive with big corps taking over every aspect of our economy. Owning a small chain of gas stations all I am doing is working for PepsiCo, Phillip Morris and their likes. Don't forget that we are selling products that we buy from big corps. . I think this movement needs leadership, clear stratigies and goals. For example, let's single out one of the big corps and collectivley boycot them, put them out of business and make an example out of them. The movement needs a solid achievement to be taken serious by the establishment.

[-] 1 points by Stileto (10) 13 years ago

Frankly, when I wrote that, I was thinking of bakeries, dry cleaners, auto shops, charcuterie, etc. I hadn't taken into consideration gas stations and perhaps it's because I never considered you guys/gals to be an independent owner. When I pull up to a gas station, it's like, "Who's your daddy?" LOL (sorry, trying to be funny here). Actually, it's more like, Who's MY daddy? LOL In other words, which station is five cents cheaper....

But I digress, and agree. I think the problem with the movement is many things. One---the media coverage from the beginning was a joke, because that is how the media treated it. They were hoping it was like catching an acute disease that would go away on its own. Two---people can't wrap their heads around people unified without UNDERLYING motive. It's the passion that unifies them and it has caught fire around the world.