Forum Post: Support the HACKERS!!!!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 9:37 a.m. EST by Fresh2Death13
from Windsor, ON
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Support the Hackers people !! The internet could be a HUGE asset in this fight. Way to go Anonymous and LulzSec keep it up !! November 5th was known as "Guy Fawkes" day lets make it known from this day on as the day WE hacked the WORLD I call for any able Hack these piggy liars to Bits !!
Goldman Sachs uses computers to automate trading.
If those computers were to have little "hiccup" they would lose millions.
Its time to take action into our own hands. The government sure as heck won't.
Gotta support open source at least...the internet is the real information battle front, and if this movement continues to grow, expect some more censorship. violence is to a dictatorship as thought control is to a democracy...Noam C.
good ole noamy !
I don't agree.
your information like where you live and what you buy are tracked and sold your privacy is a sham for all of us this is true in the information age
I would not trust the internet afterward
These Hackers are on our side ;) they only said they would attack sony and facebook because of agreements to violate the information sharing policies we agree too to use those sites
I just post publicly
I pay $10 a month for my own site
but I don't update it
I find forums to be a fine medium
I am unable to open any of those website.
these are just the most juicy of these Fear mongering Liars