Forum Post: Support the Action Plan to Change the Government
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 5:09 p.m. EST by ms3000
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
People have been asking us on the webpage and elsewhere how to keep corporate interests out of any election of delegates and plan of action we follow to change the government.
That is a tough question. Personally, I have been down to Wall Street twice and could find no one in charge. Yet the organizers claim to have raised $1,000,000 and have not applied for permits for toilets, potable water or sanitation. This is a terrible situation and eventually the city will use this health concern to shutdown the protests! OWS could even apply for a Public Address permit if they had some organization. There attorneys in every city standing by to help this movement but there is no one to contact. No network to the leaders to organize. The only leaders I saw were the time keepers for public speaking.
In the 99% Declaration acton plan, an executive committee would be formed and then election committees in each of the 435 congressional districts of the United States to organize ballots and the vote well before July 4, 2012.
This executive committee would continue to raise money from non-corporate and non-union sources to pay for the venue in Philly and the expenses of transporting and housing the 870 delegates (two from each district) in Philly. The delegates would meet off and on from July 4th to October and then present the final list of grievances to the government.
This is all in the action plan on the second page of the 99% Declaration website:
If you have questions or comments email:
this is the greymovement
I read the document and I get your point, however...... The however is this. In disorganization there is strength. It is a different kind of strength, granted, but without a "designated leader" it is completely democratic group. Each of us represent only our selves. Our concerns, our frustrations and our hopes. And the solutions that would be acceptable to us. As as soon as we are represented by a leader. our concerns get merged and prioritized and pruned in ways that may not be acceptable to us.
If the list of concerns drops some our ours our enthusiasm wanes. If the solutions demanded are not our preferred solutions, again less ownership and enthusiasm. We are in the attention getting phase and we need numbers, not a short list of demands. We are taken seriously in this phase by the one percent based on our numbers not on the unique brilliance of our solutions.
Turning out numbers of people across the country doesn't require money or a sophisticated organization. The TEA party (who had people with our concerns in it at the beginning) was highjacked by accepting the money and "leadership" of the one percent and became astroturf. We should learn from them and avoid such a take over. Somebody will have to start vetting people to provide candidates and process. Internet trolls do not make a good executive committee. If it isn't credible we will see how fragile this movement really is.
I agree with you, the grassroots energy needs to be preserved. So while the delegates meet, the People should continue to protest all over and in every city. By the time the list of grievances is presented, there should be millions in support of the movement. I have been down there twice and energized both times but it will wane over the winter. So we need a plan to keep the ideology going.
Yes we do. It shouldn't be as difficult as writing a Constitution, but maybe harder than writing a declaration of Independence. Better get started, but how to do it without the participation of the 1% and their mouthpieces? Hmmmm
We drafted a plan but welcome suggestions or better ideas.
Good work. My comments:1. Love Philadelphia and its historical significance really isn't the geographic or geopolitical center of these colonies anymore. I think 9 & 10 need a little work. It is too soon to decide for delegates what they will do, if... and I think that any listing of issues /grievances is premature and can work against us ( too long, too short, too unreasonable for some not correctly defined for others etc) and turn off or limit those in sympathy with us, chase some of our more extreme members prematurely, etc. The rest of the country is just getting on board. They need to have a chance to express themselves before too many decisions are made.