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Forum Post: support our troops

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 6:08 a.m. EST by ramous (765) from Wabash, IN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

To our men and women in uniform. We support our troops; we do not like the war, we do not like the killing they must do, the injuries they inflict on others, but we should not condemn the people who must do it. They have a hard job to do for our government and us, and it is the government we want to change so that they don't have to do it and injure others in senseless wars. Support our police. We do not like the politics, we do not like them arresting others, or the injuries that might come from it, but we should not condemn the people who must do it. They have a hard job to do for our government and us, and it is the government we want to change so they don't have to do it. They are all uniforms, all serving in tough jobs in tough times, and no different; they are all our brothers and sisters. In fact, many police are ex-military, choosing to continue to serve after returning home, all carrying guns they may have to shoot, all taking oath, all wearing the flag they swear to defend, and all charged the same--with keeping the peace. Where troops keep the peace outside our borders, police keep the peace inside. Every uniformed US soldier in one of our senseless wars has killed an innocent person directly or indirectly. We reach to them in spite of their killing and guns because they are put in the war and told to go. In the same way, reach our police- support will go farther than condemnation, just as it has with our military. Support our troops, support our police..we do not like what they must do, and they are one and the same.



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[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

Yes, Ramous, your point is well taken.