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Forum Post: support from israel

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 5:37 a.m. EST by habore (17) from חלץ, הדרום
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

there is an email going around these days with a link to youtube showing hatred towards jews. i was able to count 5 people expressing this hatred. we in israel dont believe these attempts to change to essence of this protest. we know what this is all about.

we are proud the be a part of a global change that started in tunisia continued to the arab world and europe, to israel and finally to the usa.

dont let them fool and intimidate you, cause they are going to try.

just spread it in all 50 states and in more than one city.



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[-] 1 points by deanchuk (7) from זכרון יעקב, חפה 13 years ago

I wish we could all ptotest with out politics but as an Israeli i feel like i have to defend my country.

Nozog1980, Marcxstar, Lucifer2385 and other have shown [maybe with out trying] anti semitic views.

The real problem, the real source for why there is no peace between Palestinians and Israelis is propoganda the media is doing. The Israelis think arabs are terrorists, the arabs think Israelis are nazis and the people of the world take both sides. Seriously people, taking sides here is the problem. Dont be "anti Isr\Pal" but be PRO PEACE.

I hope we will all forget about politics and remember the most important thing; Jews, Arabs - we are all humans fighting for a better world. We must forget prejudice and ignorence and unite for this cause.

[-] 1 points by habore (17) from חלץ, הדרום 13 years ago

thank you for writing this so well. i was trying to avoid an arguement by saying nothing, because i could have not write it as well as you do.

thank you again

[-] 1 points by marcxstar (167) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

What is a Jew?

[-] 1 points by habore (17) from חלץ, הדרום 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by marcxstar (167) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

Seriously. Please define Jew.

[-] 1 points by habore (17) from חלץ, הדרום 13 years ago

and now for a serious reply. apart from the fact you are born that way, there are many streams in judahism. one of these streams hold most, following this certain commandment: "thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself"

this commandment is also the one christianity is based on (jesus was a jew after all), but unfortunately most people all over the world has forgotten about this commandment.

[-] 1 points by habore (17) from חלץ, הדרום 13 years ago

usually you are just born that way

[-] 1 points by marcxstar (167) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

so ... it's like a hereditary disease?

[-] 1 points by habore (17) from חלץ, הדרום 13 years ago

no... its more like blue eyes

[-] 1 points by marcxstar (167) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

So there's a Jew gene then?

[-] 1 points by habore (17) from חלץ, הדרום 13 years ago

yes. its called a mother and you can get it through conversion

[-] 0 points by beardy (282) 13 years ago

A good explanation of what a jew is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vb3IMTJjzfo

[-] 1 points by Lucifer2385 (6) from Margraten, LI 13 years ago

support from israel: We know how to "occupy"..... :-)

Greatings to israel en the arab world....

[-] 1 points by habore (17) from חלץ, הדרום 13 years ago

almost worked.... almost worked.

i wrote a very long reply and then i thought "hmmmm... that's exactly what he wants". after all it's lucifer's job to test us

[-] 1 points by Lucifer2385 (6) from Margraten, LI 13 years ago

It;s just juwish humor... sorry..were just peace full here..

[-] 1 points by habore (17) from חלץ, הדרום 13 years ago

so its good i didnt get into an arguement with you. would have been a waste fo energy.

cause in my political views im extremely right winged and left winged at the same time, but the main word is "extreme".

[-] 1 points by Lucifer2385 (6) from Margraten, LI 13 years ago

I also use both parts of my brain, and thats not extreme, it's normal....

Or: It was normal 26 years ago...... (What the f%^k happend to us?)

[-] 1 points by habore (17) from חלץ, הדרום 13 years ago

exactly! we are the 99%!

by the way, the same thing happened in israel. politicians payed people to go and spread words of hate in the protest. didnt work for them in israel. wont work for them in the usa

[-] 1 points by an0n (764) 13 years ago

Thanks! Please ignore the trolls like below. We've been getting hammered by little right-wing punks trying to smear this movement (and perhaps a few actual cranks coming in and selling their hate). It has nothing to do with us, as you know. We are are the 99%.

Good piece on how they're trying to smear us, if you feel like sharing it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEPgAp5Mkyc

[-] 0 points by ComplexMissy (291) 13 years ago

Thank you for your support. Please watch this video, I believe everyone here should see it:


[-] -1 points by PlasmaStorm (242) 13 years ago

Well I'm sorry but maybe you don't know your history. In movements like this, they blame the people in power. The rich people. The people who are successful, while they are not. In the 1930s, that was the jews, so they blamed you.

You think they won't blame the jews?

[-] 1 points by gnitton (3) 13 years ago

Why are you spreading hatred against Jews? What you wish what you get. If you want hatred against Jews by inciting hatred against Jews, then you get hatred against Jews. If you are not Jewish, then the Jews will go after you because you are the enemy of the Jews.

[-] -1 points by PlasmaStorm (242) 13 years ago

You purposefully, deliberately misread my post and have slandered me by claiming that I am spreading hatred against jews. You purposefully did this, because your argument was weak and mine was strong. I am the utmost supporter of Israel and the jewish people.

I said that historically, movements like this have victimized jews. You are a fool to trust these people. You are a fool to build stock here. They will turn on you. And they have already.

[-] 2 points by gnitton (3) 13 years ago

Everyone can see that you are inciting hatred against the Jews.

[-] 1 points by habore (17) from חלץ, הדרום 13 years ago

although we were asked not to reply, i will reply any way.

historically, movements that have started right away from blaming the jews continued doing so. if you can find for me one historic movement that started as a protest without involving antisemistic opinions right from the start, i would be happy (or not so happy) to know about it.

until you find one, please dont say this movement is gonig to continue as you think it will

[-] 1 points by MechanicalMoney (208) 13 years ago

The jews arent the problem, the problem is the system (1%), not the jews...

[-] 1 points by habore (17) from חלץ, הדרום 13 years ago

i got to a conclusion this statement of 1% is wrong. 1% means over 3,000,000 people. i believe its much less than that.

[-] 1 points by Lucifer2385 (6) from Margraten, LI 13 years ago

Let's say a absolute number.. 25000 people world wide (with out there family)... maximum i think. (Thats more than hundred for every country)

[-] 1 points by an0n (764) 13 years ago

Yeah, that's been brought up before. More like the 0.01%. It's just a general mindset thing though...

[-] 1 points by an0n (764) 13 years ago

Ignore this troll. He's trying to smear OWS in any way he can - has been at it for weeks.

[-] 1 points by MechanicalMoney (208) 13 years ago

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