Forum Post: Support Colombian GM Workers!
Posted 11 years ago on Feb. 13, 2014, 8:23 p.m. EST by grimwomyn
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hi folks, at this very minute the workers in the tents are being threatened with eviction by a large presence of police. It's not entirely clear who is responsible---the U.S. embassy, GM, the city, the Colombian government, etc...
Unfortunately all the relevant offices are closed for tonight (as far as we can tell). I called Rep. George Miller's office in CA and someone there is allegedly looking into it (he visited the tents a couple months ago). Here are some sample Twitter messages that you can post right now:
To US Embassy:
Is @USEmbassyBogota trying to evict injured GM hunger strikers from tent encampment? #ASOTRECOL
To GM and media who have been covering "more important" stories like the 8 Corvettes that fell in the sinkhole or the GM recall of vehicles:
8 Corvettes in danger: Bigger story than 8 injured GM workers protesting illegal firings, w/ 3 on hunger strike? @GM @detroitnews #ASOTRECOL
To Gustavo Petro, the relatively progressive mayor of Bogota who's been under siege by the right: @petrogustavo Señor Alcalde ayude a #ASOTRECOL que están amenazados con desalojo por personal armado frente a la embajada #USEmbassyBogota
[Mr. Mayor: Help ASOTRECOL, who are being threatened with eviction by armed personnel outside the US embassy]
To El Tiempo, the biggest Colombian paper that has in the past covered the campaign:
Policia al servicio de General Motors amenazando a trabajadores enfermos de ASOTRECOL, frente embajada norteamericana @BogotaET #ASOTRECOL
[Police doing GM's bidding, threatening injured workers of ASOTRECOL outside US embassy]
Look I have empathy with all people in the World that are being suppressed by despotic governments that our government supports,
But can I remind you that the GM jobs in Columbia at one time most likely were in this country, and were moved there in neoliberal's quest for the lowest production costs.
Could that be the reason that so many cities in this country have been devastated causing despair amongst the people left behind?
neoliberal ? dildo-rus? Sounds like the same bunch of seditious corp(se)oRATists ( ummm sorry republiCONs ) in office at this point in time.
No, that "same bunch of seditious (corp(se)oRATS...." are the ones who outsourced our jobs because they were only concerned about maximizing their profits.
Perhaps if your job had been sent overseas as is the case for so many blue and white collar workers today, you would think differently.
And btw Diodorus was a Greek historian. I did not capitalize the "D" because I am not him.
"that "same bunch of seditious (corp(se)oRATS...." are the ones who outsourced our jobs because they were only concerned about maximizing their profits."
That's what I said - "Sounds like the same bunch of seditious corp(se)oRATists ( ummm sorry republiCONs ) in office at this point in time."
Wake-up dildo-rus wake-up
So we agree? The "dildo-rus" threw me off. Rather than waking up, I'm going to sleep. Good Night
Actually, they likely build for the South American market.
They do buy cars and trucks there you know.
It's actually a pretty rough plant.
This from 2012.
Maybe you should think about workers?
I am thinking about workers (mostly here) and them having a job and a better life with union representation. So IF those jobs were outsourced from this country, my point is valid.
And IF they build for the South American market?
You realize this is a continuation of the 2012 protest?
Here's another from last summer.