Forum Post: Support "Aaron's Law" to overturn the unfair laws used to unjustly prosecute Harrass Aaron Swartz.
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 10, 2013, 10:19 a.m. EST by imagine40
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Please sign petition for internet freedom
RIP - Aaron Swartz & 'The ability of the U.S. government to jail people without charge or trial is now back in court. A group of reporters, scholars and activists are suing the Obama administration over the controversial provision in the National Defense Authorization Act, saying it could allow for the indefinite detention of journalists and others who interact with certain groups. On Wednesday, the Justice Department asked an appeals court to reverse a judge's earlier decision blocking indefinite detention, saying the ruling would hamper its ability to fight terrorism. On the same day, the Academy Award-winning filmmaker and activist Michael Moore and the case's lead plaintiff, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges, took part in a panel featuring some of those who were in the courtroom opposing the NDAA' from -
Never Give Up Defending Hard Won Rights! Occupy Solidarity!
never give in. never give in. never give in . . .
Free information on internet always at risk.
Be aware, ask how would Aaron protest.
Remember Aaron Swartz - .
Never Give In To Tyranny! Occupy The World Wide Web! Solidarity.
Amen !
'Amen' and bump! Never Give Up Defending The Internet! Occupy The Web! Solidarity.
Emergency Action needed!
Please contact your reps
Smash CISPA, Keep corps out of our business
Support EFFector!!
For a view of CISPA supporting 'corporate cowards', see - Never Give Up Defending The Internet!
UPD: stop CFAA
FYI & a bump
oppose harsher CFAA
Please sign
Remember all political prisoners.
Go see this.
Congressional Inquiry widens in Aaron Swarz case.
'After Aaron' - late activists campaign for open internet continues at Freedom To Connect Conference - . Never Give Up Connecting The Dots! Occupy The Web! Solidarity.
The saga of Barrett Brown.
Upd: on CISPA and other efforts.
This is an issue that's apparently lost all steam.
Strange, isn't it?
Yeah. but it is happening now. No coverage, no outrage. Maybe people figure libertarians wouldn't support it, so repubs can't push it through?
I don't know.
The protest.
And some rather surprising support.
Even while they admit, it's broken legislation.
I like wired. I think this becomes a situation of content provider vs isp issue.
People seem to secondary but most affected.
As always corp interests are our govt priority
They just want to spy on you and advertize to you on the bandwidth you've paid dearly for...............................:)
It's a win, win twofer for them.
There was none of this talk when all we had were 33.6K modems.
Do you remember 600 baud modems? 1980 1st dialup from home to work.
I'm old.
Those fucks will do anything for profit. Didja hear about the proposal to tax email?
I signed on at around 14.4K.
I don't bother with dailycaller, and the tax Email thing has been around and declared dead, for a while now., they're just digging up old bones to pick.
This is current and might even be worth the effort to be heard on this important rights violation.
I signed, for whatever it's worth.
I know it don't seem useful. but thx.
ok. I have heard of previous efforts, but I thought that was a new story.
And it extends to all political prisoners as well.
No one talks about these realities. Few even know we have political prisoners.
Indeed there are many, although I don't know what that has to do with CISPA.
Would a Nobel prize gain his release?
I suppose I see CISPA as a means govt to imprison more political prisoners like Aaron.
Mostly I wanted to get the issue on the forum and remind by bump as many as possible about Aaron and the issues of internet freedom.
Thx. hope it wasn't too much of a bother.
A bother?
Not at all, it's not like it's gone away. It's just fallen out of the alternative news cycle.
It got little attention at all in the MSM.
More discouraging state of affairs. We will continue having setbacks and failures but we must keep up the pressure.
Theres no other way.
This is a very important article and thanks for linking to it. It is a long and important read and I shall quote the first three paragraphs for others here -
'Alleged “hacktivist” Barrett Brown, the 31-year old mislabeled “spokesman” for the shadowy hacker collective known as Anonymous, faces federal charges that could put him away for over a hundred years. Did he engage in a spree of murders? Run a child-sex ring? Not quite. His crime: making leaked e-mails accessible to the public—documents that shine a light on the shadowy world of intelligence contracting in the post-9/11 era.'
'A critically acclaimed author and provocative journalist, Brown cannot be too easily dismissed as some unruly malcontent typing away in the back of a gritty espresso lounge. He is eccentric. And he was clearly high on something, if only his own hubris, when he made a threatening video that put him in the feds’ crosshairs. But that’s not the real reason for the government’s overreaction. Evidence indicates it has a lot more to do with sending a message to the community he comes from, which the government sees—correctly—as a threat.'
'The Barrett Brown case is simply the latest in a string of prosecutions in which the government pursues anyone involved in making information “liberated” from governmental or corporate entities easily accessible to the public. Those targeted are not necessarily accused of the illegal entry itself (the “hack”) or violating contracts (as in the case of a “leak”). These are people performing a function analogous to that of a newspaper—yet they can face prison sentences longer than those prescribed for murderers, rapists, and terrorists.'
People need to understand just what is at stake here and research the private 'intelligence' corporation, 'Stratfor' - / & re. Barrett Brown, maybe also see - .Never Give Up Defending The Internet! Occupy Web Solidarity Now!
The once and future threat of accurate information.
Free them all.
Information still yearns to be free.
For Aaron, For freedom
RIP Aaron Swartz and again - - Solidarity!
Thanks for that link.
I won't give up.
'Why Did the Justice System Target Aaron Swartz?' - - from which - 'Some of Swartz's advocates believe the prosecution sought excessive punishment to set an example in the age of Wikileaks and Anonymous. "This was, in my opinion, part of a coordinated campaign to scare young Internet activists," says Roy Singham, ThoughtWorks chairman and a friend of Swartz.'
Never Give Up Occupying :) Solidarity.
Just yesterday I saw this new claim of prosecutorial misconduct.
And Let's keep in mind there are other "targets" as well.
Many thanks for these excellent links which I recommend to anyone interested in this matter and also see - .
Never Give Up Resisting Web Tyranny! Occupy Internet Freedom! Solidarity.
very good.
Anon calls for internet blackout over cispa
Join in
wedns vote against internet freedom
Take action!
Small initial victory.
Pressure ALL pols
Join us to support internet freedom and Aaron.
Re. Aaron Swartz, thanks for these excellent links above and here's some links about what we are all up against - .
Never Give Up Including & Exposing! Occupy The Internet! Solidarity.
Thank YOU! read a a couple of these but they are excellent additions to this post.
Of those I haven't read: Simply outrageous.
Gotta watch those Kochs, the media buy appears to bean effort to counter the damaging news/data/polls during last election.
You're very welcome and I appreciate your good work on this and other matters. Though not strictly relevant on this thread, I wonder if you and others here have come across this link? -
It is one of The Most Powerful links I've ever seen on this or indeed, any other matter & so wanted to share, no matter how inappropriately.
Never Give Up The Work For Reason, Justice & LOVE! Occupy Solidarity! Peace.
I have seen it. Hard hitting. We must agitate ALL pols to end this phoney war on terror, repeal AUMF, lift the rights violations, and stop droning all over the planet!
I will add to an appropriate post.
It really is 'hard hitting' & re. AUMF - .
I must attend to my duties now but leave you with - - as it really goes to the crux of many OWS issues, in my opinion & is well worth a read.
Never Give Up! Go Occupy Wall Street! Solidarity :)
End indef detention!!! Declare the War on Terror over!!
(not the same issue as the Aaron Swartz law being considered, but I'm with you!)
'The NDAA and the Death of The Democratic State', an important recent article by Chris Hedges - & you are right and I get you too, so - and RiP Aaron Swartz. Occupy Solidarity!
Were all getting screwed over and over.
Chris Hedge tells the people ....
Support internet freedom in the name of Aaron Swartz
Please sign the petition.
Chris hedges is relentless and unforgiving. We need a million like him to defeat TPTB who have bought our govt.
Great article thanx.
RiP Aaron Swatz - and . His light still burns on. Never Give Up! Occupy Solidarity!
Sign petition for Aaron please
I signed
Threats to internet privacy continue
Aaron privacy/freedom upd
Aaron Swatz update:
Govt action too little, too late.
PLEASE support Internet freedom.
Sign the petition, pass it on.
Don't hear much about this on the forum. I have to get an update on the law as well.
Prosecutorial overreach
Aaron Swartz. R.I.P.