Forum Post: Supercommittee Failure? WTF? All need to resign!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 4:04 p.m. EST by smj
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Following the continuing disgusting goings on in DC makes me sick as an American. Far as I am concerned our Congress is bankrupt politically. All those on the Supercommittee need to resign, immediately!
OWS should embrace this, send out a press release asking for their resignations.
let me know when the figure out what taxes are for
When something is broken you fix it, if it still does not work you replace it. It is time we replace not one but “all” and change the way that congress and the senate gets paid, if they get paid at the federal level they answer to no one but themselves they should be paid by those that put them in office at the state level. has already started a petition asking for the resignation or recall of the super committee members. Here's the link for anyone would like to sign it.
Better yet, Email, Call, or Fax them directly and let them know that they need to reach an agreement or suffer the consequences in the next election. These guys are acting like puppets for their parties. Wouldn't it be nice to see more Independents in the next election?
Here's their contact information:
No it's really time for an Occupy party.
Max Keiser for president! Gerald Celente for vice prez!