Forum Post: Super Committee SNAFU
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 2:44 a.m. EST by HitGirl
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Republican Jon Kyl shows his true colors when he criticizes Democrats...
"If you look at the Democrats' position it was 'We have to raise taxes (on the rich). We have to pass this jobs bill, which is another almost half-trillion dollars. And we're not excited about entitlement reform,' " Republican Jon Kyl of Arizona said.
So. What's wrong with the Democrats position? Sounds to me like the position of the majority of Americans. I sometimes wonder if the Republicans even realize what their saying...
Republicans don't actually like most Americans very much.
I don't doubt that. And they only pretend to like the military personnel. They love to play war, but it has more to do with the money. I hope our soldiers wake-up when the time comes.
As neither side is willing to compromise and do what is right for the nation, it is silly to blame just one side for the mess we are in. Both parties stopped working for the people a long time ago. They do, however, depend on this left/right divide to continue to keep themselves in power. Until the people can move beyond the partisan BS that keeps us divided, DC has no reason to truly forge ahead for a better nation when they know that all they have to do is appeal to the middle at election time as they each have 30% of the people duped into believing that they are on their side.
It's not that I think Democrats are the greatest people in the world, but...
'We have to raise taxes (on the rich). We have to pass this jobs bill, which is another almost half-trillion dollars. And we're not excited about entitlement reform,'
Need I say more?
We don't need another failure of a jobs bill. Jobs bill = corporate welfare and money for political supporters at the taxpayer expense. It't not that the democraps don't want entitlement reform. Entitlement reform would be shooting themselves in the foot politically especially when several always blame their opponent for wanting to take away someone's welfare during election cycles. Raising taxes on anyone during these times is just stupid as well. Lets say I own a small business and I need to hire someone, I have just enough to create a job. Damn,now my taxes just went up so not that job is gone. Wake the fuck up already.
What's wrong with simply ending tax loopholes that the rich and corporations take advantage of? What good is a half trillion dollars spent on temporary jobs that may make a slight dent in unemployment for the time being but doesn't address the concern of needed long term job growth? Entitlements do need to be reworked as their current form is unsustainable. Dem's won't consider these options either and neither side is willing to compromise to create a hybrid of ideas. Both sides have failed us all and have been for years.
That's your inner-Republican talking.
Ah, I see, you are just another blind partisan. Well, keep it up, the elected powers that be depend on your ignorance.
What's wrong with simply ending tax loopholes that the rich and corporations take advantage of? It's not enough. That's what's wrong. Not anywhere near half of 1.2 trillion. Both sides have failed us, but I'll go with the side that isn't bat-crap crazy and doesn't want to give Grandma a voucher instead of Medicare. Privatize EVERYTHING is not the answer!
REVEALED: The 30 American Companies That Paid Less Than $0 In Income Tax Over The Last 3 Years
Read more:
It's not hard to see why we're going broke while corporations are sitting on more cash than ever!
Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains. Thomas Jefferson
Thanks for that!
I never said to privatize everything as I think that is ridiculous, but I also never said that ending tax loopholes was the be all, end all of cutting the deficit, I was only responding to the specifics you posted. Raising taxes on the rich isn't close to enough either and continuing on an unsustainable course with social nets ensures that under our current system that we will never get our financial house in order. There are many different things that need to be done, but as each party only favors about half of the list (not the same half mind you), nothing will get done...especially when each side likes to call the others ideas "bat-crap crazy" and are too rigid to compromise.
up twinkle fingers
Republican = Democrat. The 1% are playing this supercommitte charade to distract the great unwashed. They know exactly what is going to be cut and what isn't. This is nothing more than spin.
You live in a strange world, monjon22. Alex Jones must be your god.
I think he's saying that both parties are Corporatist and the things they will agree on will most likely affect the poor and middle class and not the people/corporations that fund their campaigns..
I think the progressives are on the level. Sorry for the lapse. I work long hours.
We both and all live in a strange world HitGirl. Many, many Americans have lost faith in our political system. Approval for Congress is at 10% -- an all time low. Our elected officials are not at all responsive to the needs and desires of the American people. This is truly a strange world we live in. We must act together to change it.
Well, I'm all for acting together for change.
Yawn......You're getting played, the Democraps are JUST as guilty here.
narrow minded twits....
You're such a font of wisdom...swoon.
They know exactly what they are saying.
Maybe they do. But you'd think they'd have the good sense not to brag about gutting Social Security and Medicare and killing an infrastructure jobs bill! He was on NBC for goodness sake!
It's not a one-sided coin. Both parties are as useless as nipples on men.
If that were true we'd have lost Social Security a long time ago. No, they haven't achieved the free-market paradise yet. And we both know why.
Social Security will always be there. This is how the 1% stop rioting in the streets. Toss them a crumb.
Social Security will always be there, despite the efforts of the Ayn Rand worshiping Republicans and the 1%.
It is the Democrats that are unwilling to cut spending. Out of control profligate spending is this country's biggest problem now.
Since Obama became president we are now running deficits in the trillions. Every year it is now $1.5, or $1.3, or $1.2 trillion dollars. WTF!
There has NEVER been a federal budget passed by Congress since Obama has become president. Congress is required by their own federal law to pass a budget every year, but this is being illegally ignored for nefarious reasons.
The federal government needs to immediately go back to 2008 levels of spending or this country will not survive.
Better still, let's go back to pre-Bush tax levels and see how we do.
You mean "pre-Obama and Democrat" tax levels .... because they are the ones who extended the tax cuts for everyone.
They were scared to let the tax cuts expire because they knew it would hurt the economy.
They talk a lot of shit, but they will extend them again.
Call them the "Obama Tax Cuts".
They won't be extended again. That's fiscal insanity.
The only fiscal insanity going on is the profligate spending.
That has to stop.
I know the Two Santa Claus game. You're not fooling anyone.