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Forum Post: Suggestions to Improve this Discussion Forum

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 5 a.m. EST by Evolution001 (100) from Vancouver, BC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I am new to this website. There is some very useful content here but it is hardly organized. I have been to another site (occupytogether.org) which is much better organized but does not get anything close to the web traffic and even the number and variety of the content here. So I would really love to see this site improved. I wish I could volunteer for such an action but unfortunately I don't know anything about computer programming. I hope to see it so improved that it could even be used for more serious "educational" purposes.

For now I offer some suggestions and hope others do the same and bring this to the attention of the organizers or other volunteers.

1- Provide Categories and even Subcategories (e.g., occupytogether.org for a start)

2- Search Capability (e.g., applied to key words in the title of of posts)

3- Organize the comments in the discussion threads chronologically, and / or provide a better means of finding the latest comments

4- Provide a larger content window when the user posts a thread or a comment, and a preview option

5- Consider an ignore option to remove potential spammers by individual reader's option, and / or easy way of reporting abusers

6- Provide a way of following a contributer (i.e., following his / her other discussion threads and comments including inbox messaging)

7- Consider establishing an OccupyWorld site for discussion and exchange of ideas on an international level with global participation e.g., categorized by the world itself, continents, countries - facilitating the flow of information and sharing the experience of the global movement (i.e., at least trying to keep up with the global 1%)

Equality, Solidarity



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