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Forum Post: Suggestions for the Utility of this Forum

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 8:30 p.m. EST by cleverguise (43) from Myrtle Beach, SC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

This forum is a virtual representation of the Occupy Wall Street, my friends.

Lets remember this. It is up to us to keep it serious and on track, there are no leaders, we must all lead in our own vein while cooperating with others, not fighting.

Lets use the internet to get our message out, to make it clear and defined.

Repost the serious ideas, the ideas that you want the movement to consider and uphold. Repost them here and on facebook and on every social media site you can. So what the internet is a corporation too! We do not want them to have control through loopholes in the system. But we can use loopholes in their system as well!

Utilize the internet to define our goals and organize, don't waste it!

So check this out, I think these are two important serious documents for the 99%:





Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by UnionParty1 (5) 13 years ago

Getting down to the base level. We are for the most part wealthy Americans. We need to make our wealth be worth more and make the 1% irrelevant.

Yes We can. Improve our transportations systems, Yes We can, have much more financial freedom Yes we can, Algorithmically with simple equations eliminate gross rental expenses Yes We can, project into the future our hopes and aspirations of true salvation. Yes we can, eliminate many layers of government Yes we can, compete with the dogmatic economies of scale that our corporations profess they are providing to us. Yes we can, reduce our rental expenditures Yes we can, make our money have more utility values.