Forum Post: Suggestion to General Assembly: Toward a New Philosophical Paradigm?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 9 a.m. EST by groobiecat2
from Brattleboro, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
What about a breakout session or series of sessions that honestly address the key issues that the movement faces and the divergent and convergent opinions of the members of the movement?
I'm struggling to rise above the left/right definitions, but there are honest differences in core beliefs. It seems that the #OWS is, at 5,000 feet, interested in the "common weal." That is, prioritizing policies and directing resources to help the greatest number of people possible in an egalitarian way. At that same 5,000 level, this is different from a more traditionally conservative viewpoint (the "pioneer" spirit) of pure individualism and personal initiative that generally exalts the individual over the common interest.
This discussion is going on here in the Forum, but I'm not sure that a lot of differences are being bridged. Perhaps it could be more effectively addressed by the General Assembly? I think this could help people reach out to the "other," and come to newer and improved definitions of "the way forward," rather than the traditional left/right paradigm that doesn't seem to be working.
If it's not about left and right, isn't it instead about national priorities and allocating scarce resources equitably?
"If it's not about left and right, isn't it instead about national priorities and allocating scarce resources equitably?"
Its about everyone looking, acting, thinking, being the same. In other words.
captain kirk "the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many"