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Forum Post: Suggestion for a Non-Violent Protest/Action for Consideration by All

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 2:32 p.m. EST by TiberiusGracchus (0) from Los Angeles, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

While we, the 99%, control only 58% of the wealth, we control nearly 100% of the blood. That is, the wealthiest expects the poorest to protect their life, wealth, and privilege.

We can only take 58% of the money out of their banks, but we can take 100% of the blood out of OUR military.

Might I humbly suggest a week or month or at least one day when no one enlists into the military to remind the 1% that it is the 99% that protects 100%.

I realize that many feel compelled to join the armed forces for any number of reasons ranging from a desire to serve to seeking college aid to simply needing a job. I am asking no one to abandon their plans. I am not promoting a grand, permanent boycott. I am merely asking the young adults among us to delay their service careers for a few days at the same time their peers are delaying their plans.

I would hope that even the most extreme supporters of the current orthodoxy do not desire The Armies of General Washington be used as a private security force. And even if they feel the militias should be used in such a manner, hopefully, they would agree it is the duty of 100% of the people to fully support the troops and veterans.

Placing an “I Support Our Troops” bumper sticker on your car or saying “Thank you for serving” to a soldier is a hollow (and hypocritical) gesture if you are unwilling to materially support them. No soldiers in combat should have to worry about what will happen to them if they are permanently disabled or what will become of their children should the ultimate sacrifice be required.

If you are unwilling to give real, tangible support, scrape the patriotic stickers off your car and quietly pass by the next soldier you encounter.

To remind those that start and profit from war that it is the Blood of the Commoners that has defended every cause and won every battle, might I suggest that a month or a week or at least a day when no one enlists might awaken the royalists to their greatest vulnerability.

No one signs papers, talks to a recruiter, picks up a brochure, clicks an Internet ad, etc. To remind them, they need us more than we need them. Do not take our brothers’, sisters’, and children’s lives for granted.

Should the police, security companies, and similar enterprises be included?

Perhaps someone in, or more familiar with, the military (and others) could suggest a length of time and a proper season that would be most effective at causing a bit of clerical chaos and being widely noticed while not jeopardizing anyone’s safety or mission.

I am not asking for debate on the morality of military force, Iraq, Afghanistan, or any other real or philosophical argument.

The only statements being made are:

  1. If any soldier is not fighting primarily to defend a free and prosperous future for themselves and their kith and kin, why fight? What does it matter to slaves what nationality their master is?

  2. If the government, the elite, and the voters are not willing to fully support our troops and veterans, there is no rational reason to join any military campaign.

  3. If the military is being used as armed thugs for foreign, multinational corporations and a privileged few, there is no honor in serving.

If the gentry feel they can bastardize The Armies of George Washington into their personal security force comprised of disposable slaves, the descendants and heirs of those that followed Washington can simply choose not to follow.

Doable? Worthwhile? Any thoughts? Spread the word?

And of course, while this proposal, as written, is Amero-centric, I would encourage all People of all nations to take a similar action as the basic social order described above is the same throughout the world, throughout history.



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[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

Might be worth mentioning here that thanks to his non-interventionist stance, Ron P has more donations than all other candidates running for president combined... and that includes Pres. Obama.