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Forum Post: Suggested Defensive Strategies Against Provocateurs

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 6:01 a.m. EST by ian (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It's clear that there could be politically-motivated individuals who aren't in favor of the change that this citizens' action represents and they are prepared to act against it.

Provocateurs are used to induce a condition that forces police officers to take immediate control for public safety. The "sorting out" of free speech rights would not be an immediate priority.

Police officers can be a part of the solution. Many officers may be quietly in favor of the movement but are not in a position to say so. You may have noticed this at your venue.

The key to defending against political sabotage is for you to proactively defuse the attempt or "call it out" immediately and decisively when it happens. This is under your control.

If you encounter an individual or group that is acting "out of band", counsel them to act in the spirit of the movement and be considerate of the common good. Every group has a few that are “over the top”. It is natural.

If they seem determined to cause trouble, immediately record and photograph them and report them to the police.

If a person or group suddenly springs to action and becomes violent or destructive, immediately video tape and record them while pointing at them and repeatedly shouting "provocateurs". There must always be clarity – always. If not, the moment may be subject to interpretations favoring the political positions of the instigators.

Those acting outside of the spirit of the movement will be forced to reconsider what they are doing, regardless of who they are and what their intentions are.

In either of the above cases, bring these people to the attention of a police officer.

Upon reporting the matter, you must take the officer's name or badge number. In the event that no timely action is taken, a record will exist of where the failure occurred that resulted in the disbanding of the protesters and their free speech rights.

There is nothing more important that clarity and transparency in your actions.


The above is only a suggestion. It is not legal advise. It is only an opinion. If you believe it is helpful, please improve it. If not, please disregard it or propose your own suggestions for consideration and debate.

Good luck and thank you for what you do.



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