Forum Post: Success Requires Clear cut Goals.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 11:27 a.m. EST by monty104
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This movement is a strong symbol of what the middle class is suffering from at the hands of the government and the big corporations. Many of the things going wrong in this country do have a root cause in big corporations one way or another. The only way this movement will make a difference is if they come with goals and demands. It is plain to see that there are major calls for change but nobody knows what needs to be changed because it is so large of a problem.
We need to focus on getting the economy straight here which means keeping jobs in the U.S. no outsourcing. We need to get the infrastructure in our own country repaired and updated because it is an embarrassment when looking at how much dirsepair our roads and bridges are falling into while politicians fundraise millions of dollars for their upcoming elections and primaries. However, they say we will raise taxes in order to pay for these things out of our pockets. Instead of paying for this with our money they should use the money they fundraise to make the country better just the reason they are trying to get re elected.
Many things need to be changed but there was a time when politicians actually cared more about the issues plaguing their country rather than the sums of money they have for re-election. We need people that are true patriots to this country and want to make a difference in the lives of the people rather than their own private accounts
A concerned citizen.
I wrote some concise, concrete and repeatable goals a few weeks ago. I'd like to see them circulated and discussed.
They fit into a tweet.