Forum Post: Study says racists and conservatives are dumb
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 5, 2012, 10:15 a.m. EST by ComeTogetherNOW
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"Next time you call group of right-wing racists a bunch of idiots, you can back yourself up with one simple word: Science!"
"Researchers from Ontario, Canada’s Brock University have been slaving over test results to come to the conclusion that many not-so-scientifically-inclined have said for ages — both right-wing thinkers and racists alike are kind of dumb."
"The conclusion comes after spotting a correlation between children with low IQs and their ideologies later in life. It turns out that those with limited intelligence at a younger age are more likely to exhibit racist tendencies and favor more conservative political thinking as adults. Dr. Gordon Hodson, a professor of psychology and primary author of the findings, explains to Live Science that the, well, science of the issue is rather simple."
"Socially conservative ideologies tend to offer structure and order," explains Dr. Hodson. Structure and order, of course, are much easier to make sense of than, say, disarray and chaos. Given that, the less intelligent will gravitate towards more manageable ideals and, as he says, "Unfortunately, many of these features can also contribute to prejudice."
To read full article (based on this scientific study) take the LINK:
I agree and noticed the relationships between poverty, religion, education and political alliance when I was a child. I lived up north as a child and was moved to VA at 10. They had to advance me 3 grades when I arrived because the southern schools were so behind compared to the north. I am not a genius by any means but it was very clear to me at that age how different I had been taught compared to my southern peers. I grew up in a liberal family where Christian religion was introduced, discussed but we were not required to attend church. Both of my parents were equal heads of household and both were educated..hence, no single patriarchal figure that dictated. Rules were explained to me, not dictated without any conceptual application and so I learned to think more deeply about things and gain a deeper compassion and respect for others and an understanding of what was expected of me and why. I was not motivated to behave in any certain way out of fear of my parents or the establishment. I was taught to question authority and command further explanation of things that I did not fully understand. I later became a scientist. In the real world, there are times that we must adhere to rules that we may not agree with or that make sense to us but we can most always find a way to express our own autonomy within those constraints if we can be objective thinkers. In general, I believe that the more economically depressed an area is, the more dumbed down the people are by religion and religious leaders because they typically come from a less educated family where a patriarch ruled and dictated and where questioning anyone's motives or reasons for doing anything was not encouraged and mostly forbidden. The less educated someone is, the more challenged they are to communicate and so they focused more on more simple and functional communication regarding chores, work/jobs, and their religion. Basically, folks just lived by the ' do what you're told, don't ask questions' and those who strayed outside of this socialized ideology were considered trouble-makers, traitors, a danger to everyone else's security, not God-fearing and they were sinners.
Today, the political right preys on those who are in poverty whether it's economic poverty or simply that someone feels uncertain and unfulfilled in their circumstances. The political right uses religion as a tool to motivate their followers out of guilt and fear of burning in hell. ' Either you're with us or you're a traitor and a sinner who will burn in hell". It's so easy to control people by playing the moral card and appealing to their emotions. Evangelists and cult leaders use these same tactics. People who join cults are always feeling lost, insecure, unsure of themselves and their purpose in life and looking for some place to belong and feel worthy. Our current culture has become so spiritually and emotionally depleted as we've been conditioned to work long hours for less pay to buy more things that we believe we ' need'. The typical American struggles every day with keeping up with the Jones' while not ever realizing that they don't have to. When they realize that nothing is ' working' for them and that they are still feeling worthless, they become easy prey to those who promise to lead them to a more fulfilled life and politicians that promise ' less government'. It is utterly astounding to me how gullible people are today and how they dismiss rhetorical value. " less government' sounds great but that's not what any right winger is actually telling us..what they actually mean is less regulation on corporations that line their pockets. It's easier to be a conservative in this country because being one takes less personal effort to dictate personal outcomes since all you have to do is join a church and agree with the majority. Even if a conservative screws up, God is always on their side and will save them. It blows my mind how folks can overlook criminal activity, marital infidelities, pedophilia and other ' sins' if a conservative commits the crime and yet if a liberal commits any sin/ crime, it's an unforgivable sin against America. There is an epidemic of ignorance in this country where commonsense is truly not common. Our children are being educated in a dictatorial school system of SOLs that also encourage ignorance and lack of critical and objective thinking. Is this just a coincidence? I don't think so.
It really comes down to how can we, any of us, as fallible emotionally charged human beings, ever go against our own strong feelings and force ourselves to face the undeniable infallible truth.
I tell you how, we have to trust it. The truth can make us change our path, our view, our outlook, our feelings of security, but how, which way?
This is where we can learn directly from our life. Most of us have discovered and already know we paid a price to know certain truths. We had to earn them. Their not free and the deeper the truth the more you'll need to patiently keep digging at it.
Now, look at the world, what do you see? You will find answers and paths to take. If you care about this world and it's people, you will do your due diligence and help in any way possible to change it for the better.
Otherwise, the meaning, the purpose of your life is what?
Here we are all on common ground. We can share knowledge but also we have to be interested to find and receive it. It is from here we may proceed.
And, again, thanks so much for your writing here. It's very honest and I really understand you well since you do write well. I can see many similarities between you and me. That's a nice feeling because it's not like our mindset is over-populating the Earth at the moment. But getting the truth out helps immensely. It eventually sticks because repudiating the real truth for obvious reason would be flawed. The Truth is as beautiful as Peace is. Some day perhaps, we can have both.
Truth seems to be becoming more and more subjective....sort of like stats and how they are interpreted, you know? Half truths are told to us and sold to us all the time. Half truths are lies.
We can all find ways to justify our beliefs and behaviors. It's easy enough to do. We compartmentalize and insulate ourselves and our behaviors from the rest of the world. You and I know when we are doing it and will have the courage to make better choices next time.
For those who are blessed with the gift of an inquiring mind, they will always seek truth and obtain wisdom along the way. But, it's becoming more and more difficult for many to make time to quiet their mind in order to notice the world around them. Busy, busy, busy we are ..busy with a lot of meaningless chatter and things.
Cheers to truth and peace :D
Yes, this is all true, and it is what we see happening more often in our world as many news outlets mix their news with entertainment and controversy to sell more seats. Money really is infecting our reality more and more.
Also, and more unfortunate, you MUST have a critical mind and an infallible method to find truth, the ones which can be proven. It's not easy but rather difficult. It really requires one having an intimate knowledge of the scientific method and better yet experience, real world experience. Creating new things based on immutable scientific principles is the big ticket. It's there that big things can and do happen. Like this thing, the PC. My experience gives me a unique perspective on what is real and what may become real in the near future. But it's not common knowledge, if you want it you can have it just requires a long effort.
So where are these products that you design that are based on sound scientific reason and principles? I mean no offense, but if there was anything worth purchasing today, I wouldn't be using pans made in Denmark in 1850 to cook my food! ( btw, my pans look brand new) I come from a family of engineers ( one of them was a brilliant and rather VIP in our history) and I am a scientist but I really fail to see any creative, scientific or logical input in the quality of 99 percent of the goods we purchase today. I find it rather insulting and even more annoying when I must confront most modern day products. I'll purchase most anything designed and built prior to 1960 or I buy items that are hand-crafted ( pottery, furniture) everything else in my opinion is disposable junk. You're right, money infects everything. It's like a virus that causes people to cheat in everything they do. People don't work for money anymore, they just work at finding the easiest way to get it- even that means they compromise the integrity of their mind.
All of the high reliability electronics is still manufactured stateside. Consumer electronics is outsourced, offshore. Military Aerospace is still here. And yes, they do, work well, and long. Automation is the best way to high rel as well. Unfortunately, we bumbling humans err regularly and frequently. Having worked in M&A some years back, I know exactly how we overcome our human frailty to err, and make something much more reliable and robust then we ourselves are. It's mostly redundancies, triple, quadruple checking. Sign date. Sign date. Keys, lock-outs, and strict detailed audits. The end product is also very very expensive. I worked on the trident missile guidance system. Multiple Nuclear warhead, ballistic, submarine launch. Weirdly enough, the thing if ever launched must hit it's target. They live under the sea and can hit any target in the world in a moments notice. the enemy may never know where they are or where they may come from. Essentially, and a duality to behold, this was kept the world away from an all out nuke party. MAD. Mutually Assured Destruction.
Good conversation Gillian!
Very Excellent post my friend. Thanks for your honest opinion. You have seen the light and that's wonderful. Your with all the enlightened people who know what truth is and how to discern it. We need more just like you.
We need to wake up more people!!!
VA isn't culturally the South. It's the MidCoastal Region. Reference: the Weather Channel-how much more evidence do you need? And its not the bible belt unless you moved to some tiny coal mining town in Appalachia on the West Virginia border and who moves there...ever? Which cults? the snake handlers? I call BS on your anecedote.
Depends on what part of VA you're talking about but that's really splitting hairs because overall, this is a very right wing state and the Bible belt? I live on the ocean/bay and have more evangelists on my TV and radio channel lineup than any other program.Jerry Falwell's uni and Pat Robertson's Uni are quite influential in the politics of this state. The Pentecostals are very common here as well though not as commonly found as in southwest VA. VA is considered mid Atlantic but it's definitely a southern culture. I still have trouble understanding the dialect here. There are progressive pockets of culture mostly found in the larger cities and the neighboring smaller suburbs where the transient city slickers reside. I've been here on and off my entire life and it's definitely southern. This ain't Vermont!
Yep, I'm from Georgia. My car tore up on i 95. The Asshole cop I had to deal with was in fact Southern. He was a snot nosed southerner, grand in his perceived superiority to someone from Georgia, the deep south. But definitely a southerner.
Its easier to discover - its in the history books
IDIOTS elected and reelected a crook dick
IDIOTS elected and reelected a senile ron
IDIOTS elected and reelected an IDIOT george
As long as it fits the narrative, they live in tranquility as they intentionally ignore the truth. It's blissful for them, and so darned easy!
Here's a tidbit along the conservative lines of steering clear of the TRUTH and instead using LIES to prop up their misguided beliefs:
Did you know that Canada (which we Americans have a time-honored tradition of goofing on – mainly for its sissy-like tendency to stay uninvolved in the various ill-conceived wars in which we so love to engage) has a law against the reporting of false or misleading news – and that, as a result, many right wing media entities long chastised by smart people for having contributed so robustly to the dumbing down of America (among them, the Fox News Channel and the Rush Limbaugh Radio Show) are illegal in Canada?
At least the Canadians care that their news should be truthful instead of the pack of lies FOX NEWS peddles to rake in $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I did know that. In fact, four of my closest friends have now moved to Nova Scotia. I'm so jealous. They have all told me that it's like a breath of fresh air. There's no mindless drama, everyone is friendly and courteous, no propaganda.
If I could find work there, I"d be gone tomorrow.
Yes, there is hope. There are these pockets of Reason... :D
a conservative understands the advantages of preserving what has historically worked
some what but is afraid of the new.
the new replaces the old
That is the law of nature.
in a closed system
Please explain,thank you.
It's a time continuum. If not, new and old have the same meaning. But time is open ended as far as we could ever hope to know.
The combination of the title of your post, and your username, makes a pretty good joke. Ha!
What can I say, duality exists.
Ha, ha, yes, and so does hypocricy!
And this is a matter of perception. If you think it's true, is it? We rationalize our thoughts very well as we favor them.
Look, if your post wan't meant to just stir the pot, then I'm sorry. But should we really not be engaged in something more productive?
In my opinion this post is just championing the obvious, to no real avail other then striiring up division.
However, having said that, what you state here is clearly the truth, and so I'm sorry if I misinterpreted your motive. The division tactics of the trolls are becoming more clever as time goes on.
Definitely bringing a scientific (rational) study into a debate I think is very worthwhile. I will never fear the truth. In fact, when we try to look away because we feel some emotional urge, we should face it even more. Otherwise we can never know the truth unless we like it. It can NEVER be like that. We need examine our roots sometimes and realize that some roots may in the long run may need to be pulled like a weed.
When we are presented facts we have stop and consider them, no matter what. Otherwise, forget about the truth. We'll never get to know it.
Embrace the duality, we are one.
Come Together NOW
This is the fact which has been proven through many reputable studies:
Less intelligent people seek out only those answers which they can understand. By this I mean the simple answers
NOW. Who does not understand this. I want your names!!!
As the study recognized in the title and premise of this thread:
Given that, the less intelligent will gravitate towards more manageable ideals and, as he says, "Unfortunately, many of these features can also contribute to prejudice."
Very good point. How can anyone miss it.
No takers on that one Puzzlin !!!
I guess it means everyone understands. How brilliant!!!
Funny isn't it, but also very telling of the average right wing nut job!
Hate for one of those wing nuts to get loose!
gee, your moniker is come together now, then you present a divisive 'scientific' study that purports that your political opponents are dumb?
As a conservo-american, I find this study highly racist, and done in the same vein as other 'scientific studies' put out by the nazi's in the 1930's.
To say that those that believe in God and believe in a moral code are racists and dumb only serves to divide OWS, and will marginalize it, if those of us that see income inequality as immoral and also see that we are one humanity, one family, leave because we don't like being falsely accused of being racists.
MLK was a social conservative, was he a racist? was he dumb? NO he wasn't, he was the type that believed in GOD and saw the world in moral absolutes and changed it.
So next time you wonder why you can't find the MLK of OWS, maybe look in the mirror and think, what would MLK think of such divisive rhetoric.
And I believe that he was the REVEREND Martin Luther King.
MLK was a conservative? What?
Why should anyone take you seriously?
socially conservative IE believed in prayer, an almighty God, dressing conservatively etc.
today many jackwads here would call him a bible thumper for qouting scripture,
He called him a social conservative. That's true.
And he wasn't exactly preaching the ballot or the bullet, either, so he wasn't totally revolutionary either.
He wasn't a social conservative. His writings show that he had contempt for Christians who didn't work for social and economic justice ( he thought they were fake Christians). Bayard Rustin, his right hand man was openly homosexual and King generally stuck with him despite a public scandal started by Jesse Helms over a photo of the two of them talking while King was taking a bath. King was not militant and did not support violence but his views on economic justice were leftist and he was pro-union.
Are we going to wake tomorrow? Or is this over?
Riddle, is this there always a red sky in the morning even if we don't see it?
Riddle: what is the ballot or the bullet? google is your friend.
Please read it and then think about how it influenced the course of the Civil Rights Movement.
What else did MLK do other than protesting in the street?
He made moral rational sense based upon empathy for others?
The other factor of the conservatives Is authoritarianism. There is a very well researched and written book that explains it, and the author has posted it for free. Some take aways:
Authoritarians do not recognize the trait in themselves. One type of authoritarian is found to be very dangerous to peace process: inciting / leading / creating hostility. It is linked to religious fundamentalism. It is linked to bias and racism. Overcoming bias and racism can be achieved through exposure to the "other". They shut out information from sources they dont recognize as authorities, but authorities must demonstrate similar ideology.
The link:
I have two words TED NUGENT. He is a good representation of exactly what your talking about. Mr. Authority (Nut JOB)
racism doesn't make sense
the commonality and diversity of humans far exceeds regional differences
It's mostly fear based. Fear causes irrational thinking. Racism is never rational, it defies our common humanity.
The more of us there are, the more important it becomes, that we get over ourselves.
Once you can see the joy of diversity, it's a beautiful thing.
I know people who are clinically low intelligence, without a shred of bigotry.
Low Intelligence, I think really not only hinders one's success in life but also opens them to cons who pleasure themselves at taking advantage of others weakness.
I've never had any doubt.
I've spoken to many, and they are almost without exception unintelligent.
This is especially true of the racists, who in mixed company seem nice enough, but get them alone, and the racial insults come on hard and strong. .
This is why Fox News fills this void so well for their need to simulate the truth with their narrative fulfilling lies.
I have witnessed the same, there's stupidity rampant in those racist conservatives, this study confirms what we always thought!
You are an empty headed low life ass sucking puke, who does nothing but bite on shit and suck it like a lollipop. Take your obsessive racist attitude and shove it up that fat ugly ass of yours. Now fuck off.
Coming from a babbling boob, like yourself, I'll take it as a compliment.
Go piss up your nose.
Also, on a side note, the website RT is an excellent source for News. Look it over:
You might want to look at
This story sure doesn't back up your theory.
Looks to me like people that play the race card are dumb.
There was another study by a British researcher that reached the same conclusion. So this should give us pause. It's not merely a matter of dealing with simple narcissism, we're literally dealing with low IQ (which is much more challenging, because people with a low IQ are prone to irrational pattern identification, tribalism, fanatical religiosity, and all sorts of other impairments to critical thinking).
I defer to my friends with a background in the social sciences on this one (because I honestly have no idea how to approach this problem). I've studied biology (and I understand the genetic reasons for lower IQ), but I've never studied the social sciences. However, while IQ is mostly influenced by genetics, environment also plays a strong role, and it could certainly compensate for a 10 - 20 point deviation from what would be considered a reasonably high IQ (which is roughly what we're talking about). So a culture change could (in theory) remedy this situation.
I certainly think these studies do illuminate what many had suspected. The truth is further out of reach from those who don't have the crucial abilities of critical thinking. It's always imperative to understand people and their positions so effective communication between opposing views can be mustered. This helps focus the fact that the average conservative thinker is less adept then their liberal counter-part. Is interesting!
For every idiotic study like this, there is another saying the opposite.
This is dividing tactics 101, and should be treated as such.
Not really. Name one. Just one.
Here's one that says they know gov better. I think its idiotic to make such general statements. You'd have to be a fuckin idiot to call yourself either of these criminal parties.
Here is one taht says they are equal, but does mention how stupid the whole thing is:
Its all bullshit. I know smart and dumb on both sides.
Nope. Not the same thing. The study you cite was only a survey with a few questions. Nothing about IQ. Too bad.
I was trying to find one quickly, I guess I could really dive in.
Trust me, this isnt the first time Ive seen someone on a political board claiming their party had a higher IQ than the other. Idiotic shit like that is never too far away.
Well, like any sports game, their is a winner and a definite loser. You seem to imply it's 50-50 even. I doubt that very much, personal experience and these studies point towards not only the more educated being more liberal but they also vote liberal. It's just like religion, more atheists are scientists. These aren't mistakes or accidents. There clearly is a direction or trend to these facts.
Why do think most racists are republican voters?
Who cares more about the poor and actually do something to help them?
Answer these questions if you dare!
I've not seen those studies, have you?
Just google it. They are everywhere. THis isnt the first time Ive seen some hack posting something that says the idiots that vote for one group of slimeballs are smarter than the other group of idiots voting for slimballs number 2.
Totally divisive. Just gets people riled up, and adds nothing of value to tax policy, trade policy, foreign policy and monetary policy.
Google isn't always your friend. Like wiki, it can be manipulated.
I find mine in the science press.
There are differences in brain activity, both in area and synapse usage, which is much lower in conse(R)vatives..
Conservatives are not dumb. They just don't believe in displacements, even as they occur in thoughts.
The Brock study points out that "banding together in groups" is also a sign of low IQ. Does that mean that OWS is occupied by the less intelligent?
Not really.
This isn't that surprising but there might be another side to the story. Are kids who have trouble learning humiliated or ignored in school by some teachers? Do some of them have money or family problems at home? When they grow up does conservative thinking appeal to them because they are bitter? Does racism appeal to them because their race is their only source of pride? There is room for progress here.
It's even more simple than that. Environmental factors include prenatal care, the intellectual environment a child is raised in during their critical formative years, early childhood nutrition, etc. This is not an impossible problem to deal with, and (in fairness) it doesn't exclusively impact conservatives (albeit the statistical averages aren't in their favor), and there's plenty of very intelligent conservatives (notwithstanding that on average conservatives have a lower IQ compared to secular liberals).
Yes, I thinking into all these things is worth it to understand ourselves. We need to understand what truth is and what it consists of before we can find it. These studies and surveys help us get further but there's always more. The pattern will emerge.
Same study probably, same results.
"Canadian study published last month in the journal Psychological Science, which revealed that people with conservative beliefs are likely to be of low intelligence...It feels crude, illiberal to point out that the other side is, on average, more stupid than our own. But this, the study suggests, is not unfounded generalisation but empirical fact." ... an entertaining and informative article, see
The Brock study points out that "banding together in groups" is also a sign of low IQ. Does that mean that OWS is occupied by the less intelligent?
Maybe I can't read OR Maybe you've proven the point ... that you can't read ! No place in the cited article did I find your quote, "banding together in groups ...."
8 paragraphs in.
Did they test for smart racists? Racist Malthusians, for example? Flawed data. A child's IQ is highly influenced by their socio-economic class and so is their adult political viewpoints.
Conservatives are less likely to be able to handle change. No duh. But studies on liberals are no less flattering, finding them flip-floppy, for example.
studies finding liberals flip-floppy - - let's see your proof, link citation to studies, and please no dead end links to Fox News or Sean Hannity or similar Right Wing Propaganda.
Can someone tell me who would use the phrase, "Cracker", "OREO", and "Uncle Tom"? Are those racist terms?
You can find them all on the net, Wikipedia for openers.
It is interesting me when liberals can call people racist when they use racist words. As long as they say it,,, it must be OK,, but anyone else,,, that is wrong.
Goldman Sachs has a very strict policy opposing racist and sexist language and behavior among its employees. So what. Regardless of that it is still one of the most reactionary institutions in our culture.
Study by whom? A bunch of Liberals of course lol what a joke! What do you make of Guys like Dr. Thomas Sowell or Dr Walter Williams? Are they racists? Please - you'd love to make it about race. The easiest card in the deck to play.
the 'new' study in question comes from two sets of data collected in 1958 and 1970 and dubiously it purported that those whom were low in intelligence gravitated toward religion, conservatism, and racism.
Which was a cowardly way to say that conservatives are religious because they are dumb, and racists as well. this study was done in britain and every so often (1970, 2004,2012) this is touted as a 'new' and 'scientific' study that gullible leftists and a bit too many liberals for comfort, buy into.
And that's when they go off the deep end, and can't see that when they spout off that they knew this already about conservatives and religious folks they are buying into their own stereotypes and prejudices.
And they conveniently forget that it was religious folks (MLK) and conservatives that helped end racism in america.
But they also convieniently forget that it was atheistic leftists like adolf hitler that also touted supposed 'scientific' studies that were an excuse for genocide.
And it was american leftists like Jo Kennedy and margarate sanger that used darwinism to justify eugenics laws right here in America.
Leftists, bad record on science and history
hahaha! the "new" study using data from 1958 and 1970 lol! If folks for OWS were so much more intelligent - they would be working instead of protesting on this ludicrous forum and in the streets. Pathetic.
For some of us, we suspected conservatism was less intellectual with logical grounding then other streams of philosophy.
It confirms what we always thought and suspected.
mako, are a liberal shocked to be hearing this, or
are you conservative defending the indefensible?
Which is it?
I'm aint pregidous, i hate everybody. and i isnt stupid, i smart
Good point. LoL :--) )
I know I know - I so agree racism sucks and about the other stuff and this will seem racist but whenever I go to the hood - I am afraid - I mean really afraid... I mean I don't think that's all in my head right ? It sort of really gives weight to some of these racist assholes when you can go somewhere "ethnic" and expect that you should get robbed and raped and possibly shot. I really don't like rapers and robbers or murderers either and I definitely wouldn't want to live there or have them live near me it doesn't help the ethnic causes that they kind of defend this stuff because of money. I'm poor but I'm not off pillaging - you know? ps Statistics back this up also :-( and I swear to god - I lean left and I am an atheist too.. but I still swear it and I am not racist ... just smart enough to stay away from um certain areas of my city ?
The atheism can very enlightening for you. Critical thinking is crucial to making a difference in this world. I strongly believe it's why I'm here, to think myself out of this mess. It helps. I have read philosophy heavily for decades, well worth the price. Keep your critical thinking going and don't give in to the cushy beliefs that delay or stop the search. It is our life to search and also make sure we get counted. Good Job!
RACISM a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
If you have fear riding through the "bad" side of town (da hood) that isn't racist. Sometimes we have irrational fears, and those are based in fear, not racism. We can learn that most times other people are not be feared. There's bad apples that come in all creeds, races, nationalities, and genders, they know no corner. Fearing others fuels all that can go wrong with us and only carnage may ensue. Our history writes a bleak picture. Racism thrives. We can have knowledge of the madness of racism but it's hard to stop. It's obviously wrong, for the very thing our country stands for: freedom. We must free ourselves from the bondage of racism.
Good Post Elf3, Good Luck!!!
is the term ethnic now racist or is it being pc and covering all the bases?
It's a general term. Generalizing not only lures us to false beliefs but it's deep seated in our survival instinct. We basically do it because we are compelled to. It's the easy solution. The article points this out as we all reach for what this world means. Getting the real truth has never been easy and if your not working hard as hell to find it you don't have it. Let's not kid ourselves. Belly up to bar my friend and try to learn. It's best any of us can hope for.
We defeat the 1% by using “ARE PEE” “ARE PEE” stands for freedom, liberty and represents the triumphs of many against great odds. “ARE PEE” is stronger then all and will always prevail in the end. “ARE PEE” is not a person, place nor corporation. “ARE PEE” is an idea, a wonderful idea that is within all of us and is popular and growing strength everyday. Soon everyone will be able to say “ARE PEE” without cover, shame nor censorship. And when this day comes “ARE PEE” will have a new name a real name, but it will stand for the same thing.
And that would be:
Whatever dude...
we need to speak in codes
I can tell you what that will be but i will be banned from everything cause we as a people isn't free anymore. we need to go underground like Nostradamus Prophecies
The beauty of statistics is that... you can use the same set of data to arrive at vastly different conclusions by using different analysis methodologies...
SO, cut to the chase, what racist methodology are you using, may I ask?
It's definitely subtle.
Sigh... all I was saying that you can spin a set of data either way if you go about it right... which is why it is not a good idea to blindly rely on numbers being crunched by someone else.... whether they be in support of your cause or against it...
Now you can take that whatever way you want... Its your choice, your interpretation... your methodology... so to speak...
Ok, fair enough.
Personally, I think statistics have to fit the new data with all previous experiences and data. We are always trying to derive meaning from everything we experience in life including our ideas. Certainly, from my own experiences this study fits and not only that further explains what can be observed in any town USA as another racist spews their rapture of bigoted racism. I have a brother-in-law who has delighted my hours and days in conversation of his theory of why the good ole US of A ain't like it used to be. My expression through most of it is the "deer-in-the-headlights" look.
Get my drift?
This, or its variant, has been posted several times now. I don't find it helpful in the least. It is nothing more than ad hominem on a broad scale, and does not address a single issue or advance a single idea..
As someone on the Left, I prefer to examine issues on their merits. This does not nothing but inflame (emphasis on flame) passions needlessly. I think it is far better to present an idea instead.
EPA1inter says:
"Ad Hominem on a broad scale"
What the heck? That's pretty vague. What evidence do you have to support such a claim?
It's not good science. It's methodology is flawed. It proves nothing. Posting it 6, 7, 8 times doesn't add to the conversation. It accomplishes nothing other than demonstrating that we on the left can engage in name calling. It has nothing to do with OWS.
Hey, wanna start yet another post with the same thing?
Really, don't we have better things to do? Like talk about the issues, for example?
What, better things? Racism hasn't hit your neck of the woods out there?
Better things to do, for who, you?
Being it's scientific and all, we need to just dumb down and go free form.
She blinded me with Science..................
She did???
EPA1inter says:
"I think it is far better to present an idea instead"
So, let's see, an idea, oh yes, have one:
I present this IDEA:
"Reality is complicated and messy . . . Ideologies get rid of the messiness and impose a simpler solution. So, it may not be surprising that people with less cognitive capacity will be attracted to simplifying ideologies."
You see EPA1inter, I do have an idea, and you have been presented it.
Don't like my idea?
That's not an idea the moves anything about OWS or its goals further. I have an idea: Orange contains more red, than yellow does. My idea has has much to do with OWS as the one you just quoted.
Name-calling advances nothing. It merely invites more name calling. Having pseudo-science to justify it changes nothing. posting that pseudo science multiple times as a topic is simply tiresome and distracting and adolescent.
I have news, Mr. Ego (epa1nter). Your not calling the shots for the movement in case you didn't notice. The structure doesn't allow the lunatic fringe to run the show. You have posted not one piece of anything scientific here. ANd the name is exacting what your embarking on because you have no valid argument against what this post proposes.
Take your OWS goals and say them to yourself in the mirror. You won't force them down anyone's throat around here because there only ideas. The only ideas that survive and see the light of day will stand on the merits.
And if you don't give a damn about racism and how that has affected the 99% then that's fine. But don't speak for others as if you've won consenus that OWS considers racism off topic for discussion.
Basically, boiling it down, your arrogant! That has to do with just with you Mr. Ego. Got it!
I have no illusions about running the show. You simply can't seem to take criticism.
Your post "proposes" nothing. It simply puts forward a dubious article, one that has been posted NUMEROUS times before (I guess you were too lazy to find out about that) and it accomplishes NOTHING other than name-calling.
The way in which the study is being cited rests on a complete and total fallacy (and it is precisely the same fallacy used by the very right wing people you are attacking) and you don't understand that. Borrowing the Right's most illegitimate tactics and distortions does not make those of us on the Left any more legitimate, or any smarter, and only serves to show that we have some idiots in our midst as well.
You don't like to hear that? That's your problem, Mr. Ego, not mine. It is your arrogance I'm pointing at. Got it!
Just funny that the article only appeared maybe a week ago now.
You come here bearing no facts but only your big Ego head growing bigger by the moment spewing rants about how special you are.
How do you fit it through doorways?
"Just funny that the article only appeared maybe a week ago now."
And yet you are the fifth or sixth person to post about it here. I have never said I am special. that's your little goblin. All you do is argue by insult. I have given you actual reasons for objecting to this dumb post. What has been your counter-argument? Nothing, as far as I can tell.
You're just pissed that someone called you on your BS. You thought posting it was really funny and helped OWS. (And were too lazy to check the board to see if anyone else had posted it.) I'm telling you that it isn't funny being you are misusing the study, and it doesn't help because disinformation never does. So, I have given you the reasons I think your post is counter-productive. You have responded to those reasons, not with counter-arguments, but simple name calling, and somehow think that's legitimate debate.
What are you, 14?
epa1inter says: "I have given you actual reasons"
I looked over your previous posts and found only your personal opinions. Certainly you have provided absolutely no evidence and no supporting facts.
Do you really believe reasons are the same as opinions?
Have you ever had a debate where facts and evidence are held in high regard?
If you would like, list some real reasons here backed by facts.
This is your third chance to come out of your egotistical slumber and say something of value. Can you do it?
I doubt it, we see your pattern. Your stuck and likely to remain so.
The article you posted is flawed. Rather, the way you are misusing it is flawed. The article does not show that all people on the right are less intelligent than those on the left: it only showed a tendency. So it does NOT act as an defense of what anyone on the right here might write. If someone on the right makes a point that demands a response, will this article address that response. will it tae care of the issue? What does it actually accomplish, other than a sense of superior smugness? Not all posts by those on the left automatically insured to be any anything but meaningless nonsense, either, as your post evidences. What's more, the measures of intelligence the article relies upon are in no way universally accepted as valid.
So, your post accomplishes absolutely nothing that your THINK it might accomplish. All it does is initiate a flame war. It proves nothing, has no relevance to banking corruption or government corruption, or issues of capitalism or democracy.... in other words, it substitutes the issues OWS is trying to address with yelling "nya nya nya" at the kids you don't like in the schoolyard.
Does that spell it out clearly enough for you? Or are you as dumb as a right winger?
No. Your still riding on opinion with no facts. Your reasons are purely opinion.
What the article points out is that educated and intelligent people can consider all sides of an issue by appreciating facts that lead to the truth.
Others, less intelligent, less educated tend towards easy solutions and generalizations. Generalizing slips into stereotyping which is the cornerstone of any racism.
Did you ever think that the truth can found easily, and even drunken half witted people can find it as well as anyone else? Personally, I find you have to work for it, research, sources, etc...,
Your last post is confused and somewhat contradictory EPA1inter. And by the way, if the truth inflames people, tough sheets!!!
I seek the truth and you can go on with your own gems, like this pearl you just dropped Mr. Egocentric:
epa1inter snickers, "Does that spell it out clearly enough for you? Or are you as dumb as a right winger?"
OK, answer these questions: How, specifically, does you post advance OWS?
Are there intelligent people on the right, or is their stupidity universal? Does the article state the their stupidity is universal?
How does the answer help OWS?
Are all leftists intellectually superior to al right wingers? Does the article demonstrate this?
How does the answer help OWS?
If a right winger posts an approriate critique, regardless of his intelligence or motivation, how does you post help in responding to his post?
If a leftist post something really dumb, do you take it as a superiorly intellectual fact because it was posted by a leftist?
Is there any argument that can be used against the actual, specific inanities and lies from the right wing that this article puts forward?
How does posting that article differ in any way from a broad ad hominem attack, which has no bearing on an specific argument presented by either the left or the right?
How does an ad hominem argument advance OWS in any way at all, other than to allow (in thins case correctly) the idiots on the right to accuse us of using it instead of arguing the facts?
Does OWS support racists?
Does OWS support conservative causes?
Does OWS want to act in Intelligent and well thought ways?
And to answer your question from above, Yes it does make leftists more intelligent because they are more compassionate. Also, they generalize less but apparently for you, EPA, you hopped that train for generalizing and it's all you do.
Still, with every post, you just rant on with your opinion with no facts and then smear a scientific study because you don't like it for some reason (your opinion) and act like a prima donna because your opinion can easily beat science any day.
Your posts tell the story. And, yes, not all leftists are intelligent, your posts prove that by your disdain for bringing forth any facts. A counter study, something, but no, nada. Just Mr. Ego and shining opinion.
So, you believe Racists are more Intelligent than those who aren't?
Rant on EP, Your offer nothing else.
By the way since you can't seem to find any, here's what they are:
FACT - Event, item of information, or state of affairs existing, observed, or known to have happened, and which is confirmed or validated to such an extent that it is considered 'reality.' See also assumption, rule of thumb, and science.
"they generalize less"
Hello, is anybody home? The entire objection is YOUR generalization.
Do you understand the difference between a tendency and a universal truth? Do you understand anything about curve distribution?
I NEVER asked if it makes leftists more intelligent. (You left out the critical word, which is "all", btw.) I asked how does this help OWS? YOU HAVE YET TO ANSWER.
All it clearly does is make you feel superior and better than and special and vindicated. Good or you! Now how the f*ck could you use it?
It is not useful in any way in terms of dealing with the right. When debating one of them about a particular lie they tell, do you say "this study says you are stooopid"? How does that help you or anyone?
So go feel special.
Redneck is a racist term!!!
You might be a redneck, if you think redneck is a racist term.
Stupid liberal teacher thinks that it is racist towards black people.... Dumb Libs!
He's redneck! That's why he said that.
They don't think, they believe.
Unite and Win! Unite and Win! 2010 Never EVER Again!!
Totally agree with that. We're still paying for 2010 with the repugnant clown show that erupted since those dark daze.
WE can hope and stay active to prevent such repeats. Stay awake and find that light!
Unite and Win! Unite and Win! 2010 Never EVER Again!!
We will WIN. Come together NOW!!!
So what you be saying is dat since conservatives have a lot of money and power (1%).. they must be really dumb... that make so muchin sense.
What a joke,and in poor taste at that.
And in who's taste would that be?
Yours? Or did you take a quickie survey?
Perspective do you have anything positive to interject into the discussion?
Michelle Obama: 'This President Has Brought Us Out of the Dark and Into the Light' Messianic ! scary stuff
Yeah, and we feel real cozy with Mr. Etch-a-Sketch. Not scary, rather surreal.
Don't ya think?
Stupid is as stupid does: don't you think this is a rather prejudicial statement? Doesn't this then place you fully within the "retart" category?
It's a tautology actually.
What's the slang word "retart" mean to you and your peers?
And, really, what's your point?
My point would be this: there is absolutely no one in our world or any other that is not somewhat conservative on some level. To paint those who are conservative, and additionally those who are spiritually inclined, as "retarts" is to despicably express an inner angst that is highly prejudicial.
Who's the dumbazz here?
What, screeching right wingers across the Universe. WTF
Are you having a nightmare?
So it's ok to be prejudiced against "dumb" people, or those with "limited intelligence" now? Way to evolve towards tolerance and love of all mankind!
It helps to understand people and where their coming from.
I think anyone who blindly believes this study is dumb. Racist are bad. Why did the study lump conservatives and racist in the study, not all conservatives are racist and not all racist are conservatives (look at the old democrats)
AS the article clearly states:
"It turns out that those with limited intelligence at a younger age are more likely to exhibit racist tendencies and favor more conservative political thinking as adults."
Also, further, making a solid connection:
"Socially conservative ideologies tend to offer structure and order," explains Dr. Hodson. Structure and order, of course, are much easier to make sense of than, say, disarray and chaos. Given that, the less intelligent will gravitate towards more manageable ideals and, as he says, "Unfortunately, many of these features can also contribute to prejudice."
Clearly, the two are linked.
oh yeah, you convinced me, thanks! Use your brain you stupid shit. just because some dumb ass professor says this you are going to believe it.. He's a psychologist , not a hard science professor, he's findings are not necessarily factual or true.
Simple minds always have trouble understanding more complex ideas. Don't you think that's true?
And, who, then, is the dumbA$$ jackA$$?
uh, that would be you, in believing 100% what a physiology professor says. Use your own judgment. All conservatives are dumb, really, Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Karl Rove, Mitt Romney, John Mccain. over 50% of americans call themselves conservatives.
Which planet you on?
Or, what are you on?
if you think all conservatives are dumb and believe that study, you would have believed studies saying that blacks were dumb. Those studies are rubbish, and shame on you for believing such racist material.
Actually their not only dumb, they are also angry like you :--)
shame on you for being a racist.
So, when you have nothing to share, you just attack as if it gains you credence.
Dumb Up Tomyhawk!
I don't share with racist like you. adios
Ahhh, little tommy took his toys and went home LoL
A racist story and the person posting it uses, "SLAVING" (Researchers from Ontario, Canada’s Brock University have been SLAVING) How funny is that? You are bunch of idiots.
I guess you missed this one....
"The conclusion comes after spotting a correlation between children with low IQs and their ideologies later in life. It turns out that those with limited intelligence at a younger age are more likely to exhibit racist tendencies and favor more conservative political thinking as adults."
slammersworldisback is a prime example ...
I guess you didn't read the other's bad science
and you believe it because you desire for to be true, because deep down in places you don't like to think KNOW that YOU are the foolish one
Any science that contradicts your belief system is "bad" science. That's one of the ways we know that you're retarded.
When advocating political ideology, if one runs from facts and evidence, and talks of science as if it's some astrology, their ideology is flawed and misguided.