Forum Post: Students Physically Attacked for Interrupting Israel Alliance talk in New Mexico
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 24, 2012, 1:09 p.m. EST by TomTommorow
from Hardyston, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
A group of student protesters were attacked by members of the Israel Alliance for conducting a "mic check" at the meeting. They said "Mic check, Nonie Darwish speaks for Israeli Apartheid" "and genocide at the hands of the IDF (Israeli army)."
A group of the Israel Allince members started walking over to the student protesters and started pushing them and assulting them including the female students. One student was sent flying over the chairs. The students eventually filed a police report.
No war for Israel.
Hey U.S. moms and dads, why are you sacrificing your children for Israel?
It must make them feel like big bad men to beat up young girls like that. If there would have been more strong men there these punks wouldn't have dared attack the students. Cowards only attack the defenseless.
Orthodox Jews in Israel jeer and insult little girls for not dressing like Muslims.
Zionists regularly kill non-violent protesters in Palestine, with impunity. Evidently, they don't have the balls to do the same in the US - yet!
Video of the event here.
the crowd should not have allowed the attack
Hey guess what? The whole world isn't buying your bs when you kill Palestinian civilians and act like you are somehow the innocent victim in all this. It's not working or fooling anybody and you darn well know it. The truth is Israel is the despotic, tyrannical, repressive, violent dictatorship here and nothing you can say or try to spin it otherwise will change that fact.
That's why these girls should of brought a gun too.
I am a Jew. I support Israel. And I have the spine to say, if this report is true, I deplore it.
Did these people protest in a similar fashion when these events occurred?
There have been instances where Palestinian children were involved in attacks, either as child suicide bombers or bomb transporters. On March 16, 2005, an Israeli border guard found a bomb in the school bag of 12-year-old Abdullah Quran at a military checkpoint near Nablus. His life was saved only because a cell phone rigged to detonate the 13-pound bomb failed to set off the explosive at the checkpoint as it had been designed to do. Eight days later, on March 24, 16-year-old Hussam Abdo was captured wearing an explosive belt, having allegedly been paid by Fatah's Tanzim branch to blow himself up at the same checkpoint. From September 2000 through 2003, 29 suicide attacks have been carried out by youth under the age of 18, and, more than 40 youths under the age of 18 were involved in attempted suicide bombings that were thwarted.
The first female suicide bomber from among Palestinian society did not emerge until January 2002. The bomber was Wafa Idris, a paramedic, reported to be 28, secular, Westernised and only nominally religious.
Did these people protest in a similar fashion when these events occurred?
According to B'Tselem, the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories,
496 Israeli civilians were killed by Palestinians from 9/29/2000 to 7/31/2010 in Israel,
and another 242 Israeli civilians were killed in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
Did these people protest in a similar fashion when these events occurred?
Israel is the new Nazi Germany, complete with its:
Master Race / "Herrenvolk" (the Jews);
"Untermenschen" (Palestinians, Arabs in general, & non-Jews as a whole);
"Lebensraum" ("From the Nile to the Euphrates");
"Goyimrein" (similar to the Nazis' Judenrein);
"Blut-und-Boden" (Blood & Soil), which has its parallel in the origins of the Zionist kibbutzim, & in the supposed mystical connection between ethnic Jews & Palestine;
Ghettoes & Concentration Camps (/"Bantustans" - surrounded by walls, barbed wire, armed guards & sniper towers);
Wars of Aggression;
Illegal Confiscations of Property & Annexations of Territory;
Contempt for International Law;
Hasbara (/Propaganda) machine, similar to Joseph Goebbels' highly sophisticated Nazi propaganda machine;
Pseudo-Scientific Archaeology, aimed at legitimizing Zionism, while ignoring (& often even destroying) the vast amount of other, conflicting, archaeology. This is similar to the Nazis' efforts to prove their "Aryan" theories by pseudo-Archaeology;
Did Jews not kill Nazis, & did Jews protest when Nazis were killed?
Propaganda for Israel!
Israel takes their land, ruins their lives and keeps killing them and calling then "terrorists" when the real terrorists are the Israeli envaders.
Give it up. Marxists don't care about Jewish casualties. Hypocracy is a core of liberals. And I say this as no friend of Israel or palistinians. They can both go to hell.
Yeah we know bensdad israel can never do no wrong and is always some how the victim even when they bomb Palestinians homes and kill their's Israel that is really the victim right? We here it all the time in the controlled news media ad nauaem.
No one is allowed to criticize Israel no matter what they do right? or else the dreaded name calling tatics one really cares about human rights and if you say you do care about protecting Human rights of Palestinians it's automatically 'anti-semitism" blah blah critizism of Israel allowed even when they bomb civilians with white don't wanna be called an 'antisemite" after all do you? Wait aren't the Palestinian Arabs semites too? so how can sticking up for their human rights be anti-semitic? hmmmmmm
Interesting - one of my tests to find an Rs is to observe how they twist an honest statement into a lie to prove their point.
I will pay you $1000 if you can ever find me saying or posting
or for that matter, your silly double negative IN YOUR POST
I'll say clearly "Israel has done wrong"
and I will elaborate when you prove a nation & government ever existed existed before 1950 - named Palestine - as explained on March 31, 1977, the Dutch newspaper Trouw published an interview with Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee member Zahir Muhsein. : He said:
The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism.
Claiming that the Palestinian people do not exist is the most lame, fake obvious lie that can be told as 5 million of them curently reside in both Palestine and what is now called Israel.
I mean is that the best you can do? lol
Born In East L.a.
Claiming that the Palestinian people do not exist is the most moronic blantantly obvious falsehood that anyone can see through as about 5 million of them curently reside in Palestine and Israel.
Man what a pathetic arument, is that the best you can do? lol
Hey now let's not bury this post so fast I just responded..let's give people a chance to see my response.
Don't mess with the Zohan.
Don't mess with Palestinian human rights.