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Forum Post: Monetary Policy?

Posted 11 years ago on March 1, 2013, 2:23 p.m. EST by TrevorMnemonic (5827)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Student loans are predatory loans.

College Education Should Be Public!

Instead they're just printing trillions to prop-up fraudulent banks. Do you understand why monetary policy is important?

People dying because they can't afford health care they need. Others going bankrupts to pay medical bills.

Health care should be public.

Instead they're just printing trillions to prop-up fraudulent banks. Do you understand why monetary policy is important?

Corporations and private entities are buying our government.

Elections should be publicly funded, not privately funded.

Instead they're just printing trillions to prop-up fraudulent banks. Do you understand why monetary policy is important?

Our infrastructure is becoming outdated and crumbling in many areas.

Building our cities is a great form of societal advancement.

Instead they're just printing trillions to prop-up fraudulent banks. Do you understand why monetary policy is important?

People are losing their homes to fraudulent banks. Millions live without homes at different times of the year.

Housing should be a human right.

Instead they're just printing trillions to prop-up fraudulent banks. Do you understand why monetary policy is important?

Our monetary system should be used to create employment and improve our country. The Federal Reserve was mandated by the Congress to create a maximum employment economy. What they have done instead is prop up a fraudulent banking system and funded an entire system that has lead to financial instability, high unemployment numbers, wealth in the hands of a few, stagnant and low wages, and inflation... all of which has made life much more difficult than it should be. All because of SELFISH GREED.

We need reform like that of HR 2990 the NEED Act. Create real wealth and a full employment economy.



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[-] 0 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 11 years ago

Their existence is a crime.