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Forum Post: student loan whining

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 5:23 a.m. EST by jmb102386 (8) from Tampa, FL
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so i racked up all this debt and now i wanna be a deadbeat and not pay it back. fuck you wall street and fuck the company i went into debt with!!! you need to quit being a dick and just make all this money i took from you free for me!!! i am the "99%" and im a cunt!!! the "99%" technically includes people making about $250k a year and i dont see many $250kers bitching so you cunts might wanna rethink your numbers on that. thanks.



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[-] 1 points by jmb102386 (8) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

also, this wasnt meant to insult. im a lil drunk and im seeing a buncha stupid shit from people on facebook and thats why i threw the word cunt around was to strike a chord with them. i dont think the movement in its entirety is a bad idea, i just think theres a lotta morons partaking that are ruining it for the rest. i dont agree with most of the arguments of the movement and seeing stupid people with stupid/nonvalid arguments just makes me discredit the whole movement

[-] 1 points by jmb102386 (8) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

i didnt say college shouldnt guarantee a better future. it should. but the fact is that when you start aiming towards a degree, you already know the financial expectations for a person with that degree. if you know the best you can do with a certain degree is $35,000 a year, dont go $80,000 into debt for it. thats stupid. also, you need to check your shit on a "$200 a week" job. if youre working 40 hours a week then thats wayyyyyyy below minimum wage...

[-] 1 points by anotherone773 (734) from Carlyle, IL 13 years ago

You know insulting people is a sure fire way not win them over. Did you ever think maybe these people wouldnt be upset about student loan debt if they could find a job that pays better than a lousy $200 a week. Since they could of saved themselves $50k in debt and still had the $200 a week job.....If they are lucky enough to have job.

Also why do banks get bailouts for making bad financial decisions when they are in the business of making financial decisions but people who made sound decisions to get a higher education so they had a better shot at being middle class or better are the bad guys? Your logic isnt very logical.

[-] 1 points by Cicero (407) 13 years ago

Great points!! I totally agree!!

[-] 1 points by jmb102386 (8) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

assuming the company hasnt paid back the govt....if someone has a contract with that company and owes them money they should still have to pay them. if you rent a house from a person that isnt paying the mortgage on the house you live in, are you allowed to just stop paying rent to them even tho you have a legally binding contract? assuming youre still living in the house of course

[-] 1 points by jmb102386 (8) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

@mgbincn: many of the bailout companies have paid the govt back (much in the same way people should have to pay back their loans). @cicero: i dont like when people go into great debt to get a "worthless" degree. from a financial standpoint, an english degree is worthless. dont get me wrong, we need english teachers and theyre a necessity, but some people go into a great deal of debt knowing that their english degree will never earn them a substantial income that allows them to pay that back that debt. and they knew that when they signed up for it.

[-] 1 points by Cicero (407) 13 years ago

What would you propose? That before being allowed to get student loans a committee weighs the employment outlook of a given field against the loan amount? There are plenty of academic pursuits that are important but would not make the person rich.

[-] 1 points by Cicero (407) 13 years ago

The only way for many Americans to have a better future is to pursue a higher education. But the costs of that education has risen 900% in 40 years. Back in the 70's you could work in the summer and work part time through the semester and pay for your education. Can you see any college student today making enough money to live and pay $18,000 to $100,000 per year for their education. Or should the poor just go straight to cleaning toilets regardless of their aptitudes? It does seem a little unfair that an entire generation was told if they worked hard and went to College they could have any job they wanted only to graduate in one of the worse recessions in the nations history with thousands in debt to join millions standing in line for a job at Walmart or McDonalds?

[-] 1 points by ConfusedSceptic (80) 13 years ago

I call bull. I dropped out of college after a two semesters because I couldn't afford it, and yet I'm doing alright for myself.

There are plenty of ways to succeed in the world without a college degree. They just require more work. You don't have to be a college grad to work construction, or to be a manager in a retail chain, or even to start your own business. All it takes the willingness to get out there and work for it.

As a slight note, remember the saying: "You don't have to have a college degree to be intelligent, and some of the dumbest people in the world are college graduates."

Oh, and by the way, I wish millions would stand in line for a job at Walmart. The one where I'm living can hardly find enough people to man the cash registers on a typical friday.

[-] 1 points by Cicero (407) 13 years ago

Walmart is understaffed on Friday's not because there is a shortage of applicants but because they cut hours and try to get things done with as few employees as they can. They do this to keep costs at a minimum so their quarterly earning reports look good. If consumer spending is finite and going down then the only way to raise profits is to cut expenditures.

[-] 1 points by thoreau42 (595) 13 years ago

And who's responsible for the cartelization of public education?

[-] 1 points by jmb102386 (8) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

no offense dude but a 2 hour n 41 minute video is not a good way to get a point across

[-] 1 points by jmb102386 (8) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

that was my thoughts on facebook. i dont see how people can sign up for a loan which we all know is something you pay back, and then try to say they shouldnt have to pay for it. you cant take out a car loan on a new car then drive it off the lot and claim that because it declined $5,000 in value that you shouldnt have to pay what you initially agreed to pay for it. you agreed to it, so be a man/woman of your word and do what you said you would.

[-] 1 points by Cicero (407) 13 years ago

I agree people must live up to their agreements and you sign a MPN to get a college loan. However if the economy is this bad perhaps some kind of a temporary hardship program for those with loans who can't get a job. Maybe no payments just pay the interest on any unsubsidized debt or add it to the principle. Just don't make someone default on their debt and hurt their credit scores when they obviously want a job like 9 million other American's.