Forum Post: Student Loan Protections!!
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 20, 2012, 10:12 a.m. EST by STloanhelp
from Des Allemands, LA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Student Loans are killing the middle class by keeping them in a debt that they cannot get out of. Why should corporate America have the power to enslave hard working people of America?
Please visit and sign the petition to bring student loan protections back!!!
Just a thought. Have a plan before hand. I served in the military, got a full time job after discharge, attended a community college at night, transferred to a 4 year state school (I again attended at night) and graduated with an engineering degree and no debt.
I did not have fun at frat parties. I worked and got a degree which allowed me to get a decent job.
It can be done if you are motivated. People need to take responsibility for their actions. If you choose to borrow money, you must repay it.
And how long ago was this? times have changed and so has the greed!!!
Don't be stupid. He makes the perfect argument. He worked hard and took responsibility for his actions. If you take out a loan it is your responsibility alone and no one else. How could you blame some else for your own fault.
So then we should take away all the protections you have for every loan? Think about it take away all your protections for every loan you have, house, car, and boat and if you cant pay we will just take it out your check. Please just wake up!
If you get a loan you are entering into a contract if you fail to meet those requirements then you suffer the consequences. If you can't afford the loan in the first place then shame on you.
What do you mean, "Don't attend frat parties"??? People have a right to have fun at other's expense!! Don't be so selfish!!!
Why should I work hard to educate myself when I can use the power of the government to steal from others??
Believe me I pay more in taxes now then most in a year and have never had a hand out given me.
WHY IN THE HELL DOES EVERYONE THINK THAT COLLEGE IS JUST KIDS!!!! It is also grown hard working people trying to change their lives and pay scale!
Can minors sign into contracts for student loans?
In the States of Nebraska and Alabama you must be 19 years of age to sign into legally binding contracts for loans or you must have a parental/guardian signature as well. Yet student loans are given out to students at 18 years of age in Nebraska and Alabama without any specific laws being created to go outside of this law. What are your thoughts on this?
This was something brought to my attention the other day, but I haven't looked into the legalities behind it. Do you have any knowledge on this topic that you can send my way?
Please come together and get this petition signed!!! We can make a change that will not only help save hardworking americans money, but also give our AMERICAN RIGHTS back!!!!
I think one of the biggest problems with student loans is that they are handed out no questions asked to people who should not have them. If you go to a bank and request a $80,000 business loan and then tell the banker that you don't really have a business plan or a plan how to pay it back they would laugh you out of the bank. Yet this happens all the time with student loans.
People need to really think about what these loans are for. A friend of mine went to a small liberal arts college and ended up $120,000 in debt with a degree in woman's studies. How does that make any sense at all?
Also, if loans are forgiven in bankruptcy it would lead to higher interest rates for everyone else so that the banks can make up for the bankruptcy losses. This is just common financial sense.
I did attend a four year course for ISS and everytime I would get close to getting my degree they would bump up the tution. The courses were lame and rushed. The school would start new classes before we were finished ours. Needless to say is the one thing I did learn is that finacial aid at colleges are there to get money from you. I had even asked my finacial advisor if that with my current income would I be able to pay my school loans. Her reply was of course honey. Well needless to say that with 2 incomes I cannot even come close to paying what they want. My school loans = more than monthly mortage, insurance, and food bill.
I feel for you, I really do. I graduated dental school with $212,000 in loans and it was an overwhelming burdon. I paid it off though and I am sure you will too.
I just think that people who can accept the responsibilities and rigors of getting a college degree should be able to do their own budget and figure these things out for themselves, and not rely on someone who will just tell you what you want to hear. Like I said above, for any other type of loan this kind of planning would be required (or you put up collateral instead). To have it be different for student loans is asinine.
"women's studies"?
If Internet Security Systems is a woman's study then I guess!
my post was in response to "mooks" post'.
Yes, women's studies is the study of feminism and its roots and whatnot. Which is very important obviously. I just think that if that is something you want to study you should either A) come from money or B) go somewhere cheap like a community college, because the job market is weak for a lot of degrees like that.
i know what "womens studies " is. getting a degree in it qualifies you to,........................teach womens studies.
Exactly. But yet that girl I knew was given one $30K loan after another for 4 years.
Immpossible is correct in this time. I recently recieved a letter from Sallie mai informing me that some of my federal loans were out of forberance. Lets see if we can add like Sallie? My federal loans were put in forbearance in Jan of 2011 for ONE year. Guess what! They took it upon themselves to take 2 loans out of forbearance in November without notifiying me!!! So I get a call that 2 loans are about to default!! Hmm could this be called a scam!!!! THEY WANT YOU TO DEFAULT TO MAKE MONEY!!
Yes they are a bite.Impossible to get out of.But you know that going in.What to do I have not a clue.Finally paid off my sons.It is not the loans but the cost of education that is the problem.Of course unless you are in that magical one percent.I would think that evan than it could be hard if you had a couple in at the same time.
the govt has taken over the student loans.
Don't believe what the wingnuts say, you can't make any money through hard work and self study, it has to come from someone else. And it wouldn't help to increase competition by allowing businesses to offer student loans!
The problem with this thread is that there are thousands of colleges that do not charge $30K or more a year. there are also hundreds if not thousands of scholarships and grants available for students. Taking out a loan is easy. Applying for a scholarship or grant takes work.
So, how about choosing a community college for two years to get your basic college courses out of the way and then transfer to a 4 year college to get the degree?
How about working part time over the summer to get some money for books and other extras instead of taking out another loan?
I have a family and cannot attend a community college because courses are not offered at night. I already have bills. Want to know anything else and yes I was told that my credits would transfer but somehow had to take the classes again! Not everyone that goes to college is a kid that has nothing to do but attend!!!
Worthy petition. If I were you I would seriously consider reissuing this petition on this site as the White House site does not seem to be very helpful.
Signed it, Twittered it, and put it on Facebook. People this is an example of direct action that everyone can take, everyone can participate in.