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Forum Post: Student Loan Defaulters

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 2:30 p.m. EST by macgal74 (0)
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Hi Everybody,

My day has been pretty stressful! Trying to get my student loans out of default but of course the hounddogs want my blood not my money. I am currently writing my congressman and whomever else it could affect to try and get some help. I am unemployed and what little subcontract money i do have coming in I cannot afford to lose. If anyone else is in the same situation as I am please respond....maybe if we all group together we can make an impact as the people on occupy wall street have!! I have searched for forums today where I could find like minded individuals but all I have found are affiliate sites that are just trying to make money! With good discussions in this field I feel like we could come up with a solution to target this deprecating department of government.

My day has been pretty stressful! Trying to get my student loans out of default but of course the hounddogs want my blood not my money. I am currently writing my congressman and whomever else it could affect to try and get some help. I am unemployed and what little subcontract money i do have coming in I cannot afford to lose. If anyone else is in the same situation as I am please respond....maybe if we all group together we can make an impact as the people on occupy wall street have!! I have searched for forums today where I could find like minded individuals but all I have found are affiliate sites that are just trying to make money! With good discussions in this field I feel like we could come up with a solution to target this deprecating department of government.

kindly, irritated and broke -Dawn



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[-] 1 points by jimmycrackerson (940) from Blackfoot, ID 13 years ago

I say let them default. Don't pay anyone a fucking cent. Obviously your degree is currently worthless if you can't land a job. I don't expect you to pay for something that you're getting no returns on.

How can you be expected to bail out the rich, when no one is going to bail you out?