Forum Post: Structure is the problem, transparency is the solution
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 1:50 a.m. EST by Nucleon
from Tucson, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The problem is the structure of the systems. It's not Obama's fault, nor Boehner's, nor Bush's. Any other individual would act the same way in the same circumstance. Here's are what I consider the necessary changes to right the ship:
Get money out of politics. Whether it is publicly financed campaigns, or caps on spending. Other countries have solved the problem. We need politicians to be chosen based on ideas and merit rather than bankroll. When was the last poor person elected to the senate, that's a problem.
Eliminate the procedural filibuster. It has become a tool of the minority party (on both sides!) to prevent anything from getting through the Senate. All it takes is 1 person to oppose a bill and it will never even be voted on. That's not Democracy, that's not what's in our constitution.
Require an official declaration of war and a war tax in order to start foreign wars. Until we all bear the burden of foreign wars, we won't rise up against it. Want to end the Iraq war? Re-institute the draft. Our politicians will get us out of Iraq so fast because we will be on their doorstep with pitchforks.
I think this is something the 99% can get behind.
1 agreed, but difficult to do, since corporations are being seeing as citizens. (freedom of speech),
2 Agreed.
3 Congress is the only one that can start a war. But the elected official instead decided to blindly follow whatever the president says, Since congress is the only one that can order the arrest of a president, presidents can do whatever they want. (aka, the constitution is clear, but the senators do not have the balls to stand against whoever is the president in war matters)