Forum Post: Strategic suggestion
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 4:51 p.m. EST by tbhaktajay
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I’m sure you are getting loads of posts, so I will try to make this brief and to the point. This is about strategy. The media, the politicians, and the whole country are watching and waiting to see the ‘demands’ of the Occupy Wall Street movement. I think it is profoundly wise not to have played into their ‘demands’ for an identified ‘leader’ or ‘representative’ or even specific issues or grievances. That has resulted in a gradual increase of public awareness and support. As public sympathy increases, it is obvious that the power is in the people – the 99% are all representative of the demand for change. The government and politicians are so compromised with corporate special interest and corrupted by their own agendas, that they are incapable of causing any real change. So, as we consider what specific ‘demands’ should be made for change, it will be wise to direct the call for change to those who have the power to cause the change … the PEOPLE! I would refer you to the best resource I know, “Non-Violent Resistance” by M. K. Gandhi! It is a literal handbook and guide for organizing a massive resistance movement. Call on the 99% to boycott big corporations and financial institutions. Publish a ‘list’ of the most abusive corporations and ask people to avoid doing business with them. Appeal to the 99% to take direct action on their own behalf – to not ‘feed’ the ‘beasts’ who are actively devouring us. Offer the people a ‘menu’ of options for direct action, a variety of civil disobedience, and encourage everyone to do as many of them or as much as they possibly can. Then continue the campaign for public opinion and support. Continue appealing to the 99% to maintain and expand their resistance. The power to bring about real change is in the people – the power of the 99% mobilized to dissent, resist, and not cooperate with an agenda of economic and social exploitation and oppression. Thank you for everything you are all doing. I anticipate the great things we can accomplish for our country and the world!
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