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Forum Post: Straight Forward

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 7:28 p.m. EST by CommonGoal (3) from Las Vegas, NV
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

In 1980 we had the "Savings and Loan Crisis" and the goverment bailed out the Banks. In 2007 we had the "Sub-Prime Mortgage Crisis" and again the goverment bailed out the Banks. Both times letting small businesses suffer and the American Middle Class pick up the Tab. It is time to Demand term limits for all Congressional and House Politicians, This will eliminate the protection of Corporate Greed by eliminating the life long relationships between the two. Demand that the politicians loose their specialized health care plans and give a choice of PPO or HMO like the rest of America does when they can. Demand that the politicians loose their comfortable pension plans and enlist in 401k like the rest of America does when they can. It is Time to Remind the Goverment that the Constitution Reads "We The People" and YOU WORK FOR US!! Give Them Straight Up Demands and Don't get Caught Up Like the Tea Party and Join One Side or The Other!



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[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

They can just buy out the politicians within a shorter time frame. Look what happened when all of the freshman Tea Party candidates came to DC in January after the 2010 election - most of them voted to continue the Patriot Act - the antithesis to smaller government.
Arguably new congressmen/women are just as vulnerable to corporate money. Especially since they had to run a very expensive campaign to get to Washington in the first place.

[-] 1 points by CommonGoal (3) from Las Vegas, NV 13 years ago

I totally agree with you. It defenitly does not mean that no one will ever get bought out, but atleast with term limits it will eliminate the good old boys group. There needs to be away for good Americans that care about the people and country can get elected to office. As it stands now it seems that if you are not a, what I call "pure bred politician" you have no chance of getting onto office. Discussions like this are the way we start to resolve the issues that stand before us. I thank you for your comments.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Yes, "pure bred politician", or "career politician", as I call it. Congress shouldn't be a career choice. We should have citizen legislators, who serve their terms and then return to a private enterprise back home. They should not be able to sit in office for 40 years and then retire on a fat government pension. There is not supposed to be a government leader class and 'the rest of us'.
Perhaps term limits are part of the answer. But corporate campaign contributions must be addressed as well, otherwise they'll just buy off the newbees just like the good old boys.

[-] 1 points by USAMommy (10) 13 years ago

THIS. Finally, focused, researched and relevant.

[-] 1 points by CommonGoal (3) from Las Vegas, NV 13 years ago

Thank You. I think it is a good beginning to changing the status quo.This is only the beginning of the Demands. Once these would get implemented then we could audit the federal Goverment and see what "We The People" are actually paying for with our Taxes. This by no means is against "Capitalism". That is one of the great fundemental attributes of this country. It is the greed and protection of the greedy that is wrong.