Forum Post: Storm the capitol!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 5:37 a.m. EST by dtzybroad
from Philadelphia, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Now its time to occupy the capitol. Occupy the Supreme Court. They need to know that we're on to them. Corporations are not people too! Congress seems to dismiss us as an angry misguided mob. They need to know that we are focused and nationally united. They need to face the fact that the "American People" want to raise taxes on the top 1%. Congress has the power to change things. Lets go right to the front doors of the people who control our fate. Flood their phone lines and email in boxes. Overload their facebook and twitter accounts. We can find their contact information online. The republicans mock us and the dems have pussied out on us. We need to be heard...storm the capitol...peacefully. But ease up on the president. He means well but is a compulsive compromiser. Just go after congress.
A march on Washington is in the works. But not yet. Once we grow our numbers, that will be one of our first destinations. Don't picture ten thousand people on Pennsylvania Ave. Picture a million. Now THAT'S a hell of a photo-op!
Hi. Thanks for the reply. If you are are an organizer, please understand, we're wasting time waiting for that million person photo op. While we wait to grow, Boenher, Mcconnell, Cantor, Ryan and their ilk are busy programming the country to believe that 'the American people don't want us to increase taxes on anyone' (meaning the rich). We don't have to wait till we have a million people. Until then we can chip away at their support. They all have email, twitter, facebook, and telephones. They have local offices. Contact every one of the sons of bitches, even if you don't live in their district. Overload their phone lines, their twitter and facebook accounts. Clog up their inboxes. Spend a day or 2 on the front steps of their local offices...about 100 people should do it. We need to let them know that they do Not represent our interests. So, if you have any influence in this organization , please encourage people to contact our representation in congress(contact info can be easily obtained online)...for now...till that big photo op happens.
I have no influence in this, I'm just an observer, mainly on this site, but as I educate myself I'd like to do more. I heard on this site about the future march to Washington. It's in the early stages I gather. OWS has a multi-stage plan. We're just in stage one. That's building up numbers till we have enough our voice will be heard. They plan on doing things politically, not violently. Violence will get it shut down quick; they've got all the power, money, and guns (military and law enforcement). We need people, lots of people. But there are things the individual can do to move things forward. Flooding their inboxes is a very good idea. This forum has many others, you've probably seen them. Cut back spending, buy local. The idea is to stop feeding the machine in whatever way you can afford. Get your voice out there in emails. Things like that. It's imperative we start out with passive resistance. Don't worry what the talking heads are saying about us. The good word is getting out and it will spread. And the photo-op was my thinking, not OWS'.