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Forum Post: Stories of the Occupation

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 1:22 p.m. EST by mouserr (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I’m Mouse from Occupy Houston. I made an announcement at our GA last night and got an overwhelmingly positive response to it. I am going to all of the Occupation Livestream chats and asking for stories from Occupiers with the intent of relating news from Occupations around the world. If you are interested in contributing I will pass along the link to the forum where I am collecting these articles and stories. Because I will be reading these stories to the GA I can only spare the time for 3 or 4 a night and each can be no longer than 2 or 3 short paragraphs.

News is paramount as we can not rely on MSM for a fair report or even a real story on the Occupation aside from the worst of incidents that they can use to paint us in the most disagreeable light possible. While I would prefer news I understand that not every Occupation has major news to relate and as such this request is an open request. Please feel free to share your stories. Good Bad or Fugly, it doesnt matter so long as it relates to the Occupation, this also includes your reasons for Occupying. Please remember however that these responses need to be short so that I can read as many as possible in my allotted time during the Oppinions section of the GA, which I will try to deliver at the very end so as not to take away from the GA as a whole.

Remember we got this thing whipped so long as we stay strong stay United and support each other through the good as well as the bad that lay before us.

Remember we got this thing whipped so long as we stay strong stay United and support each other through the good as well as the bad that lay before us.

If you want to contribute a story or news please do so in the following format: Name Place of Occupation news/story/reason for Occupation

=^.^= Mouse

p.s. please remember to keep the reply limited to a few concise paragraphs so I can read more than 1 or 2 at GA.



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[-] 2 points by MayFrock (28) 13 years ago

Mouse, thank you for posting and I think this is a great idea to get some of the smaller cities' perspectives of the challenges and accomplishments of the movement. I'll post this on FB too.

[-] 0 points by roloff (244) 13 years ago

Last night the pigs came down and were very nice to us, I am sick of this opression, why are they not shooting us. It's making it very difficult that no one cares what we do. Damnit