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Forum Post: Stopping Colonial and Corporation Rule can be done in a matter of months for all of North America

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 2:29 p.m. EST by protectedsun (3)
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[-] 1 points by protectedsun (3) 13 years ago

he END to COLONIAL and CORPORATE RULE - The shift to a perfect beginning - Please feel free to tag yourselves and your friends...Pass this information far and wide - This can be done world wide.

The people protesting need to know this information.

Now let's be CLEAR... the indigenous had no human rights until 2007...and the USA and Canada did their own little spiel on decolonization and only once you apply can it be done via the UN BUT given that both countries agreed to negotiate directly with the peoples their self determination and self governing on reserves, without educating them about the truth of what decolonization means on the international level, was a sick ploy ...

so...now that the truth is KNOWN, they can proceed and take what is rightfully theirs as long as it doesn't hurt the country as a whole...

And yes, the North American Indians (which was never their name but mistaken for people from India) know that no one can own land anywhere on earth..and that YES...everyone is responsible for treating the earth with love and respect for Creator as it feeds us etc...

The word INDIGENOUS according to the United nations means `Indigenous to the lands/ territories where people lived that were INVADED by colonies" - treaties were created as negotiation tools for relocation of their families, lands they cultivated ( some grew corn, beans and squash etc) others fished and hunted...and so on

so according to the UN resolution of 1949 - decolonization of those who where invaded was finalized in 1960. Canada and US regarded these people as having no HUMAN rights....therefore they hardly had a voice due to political interests of the crown and others... now they DO have rights!!

80 invaded countries applied for decolonization since 1960. 16 are left to decolonize...

Research Gibraltar and Sahara, and you will understand what the USA and Canada did to avoid the North American indigenous peoples to truly decolonize...they offered them self determination and self government of their reservations but FAILED to let them know as their caretakers of their true rights on the international level.

Now this can change simply by them filing their application and ensuring that all they want to do is to simply return the lands to the people/ ...all peoples under Creator that they were entrusted with; by overseeing that all natural resources of the lands are shared amongst everyone within these lands.

as well as protected from corporate greed by bringing to the people and government; the decision making like their clan system which is to make the PEOPLES of Canada and the USA - decide what happens on these lands without hurting those who are innocent.

Let this be a reminder that our ego needs to be in check and as long as the wrongs are not righted...we are doomed....

At present Samoa, Guam. Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands are also decolonizing and with that...their natural resources and lands are to be remitted...and this is FACT. People can bitch all they want...but as it stands, they are the ONLY way out of this mess and we should support them..

This so far is the best and only solution for all world wide...think about it!

here is the link.. http://www.un.org/en/decolonization/ .

This is the link for Puerto Rico Decolonization:

20 June, 2011 - GA/COL/3224

Special Committee on Decolonization Calls on United States, in Consensus Text, to Speed up Process Allowing Puerto Rico to Exercise Self-Determination http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2011/gacol3224.doc.htm

Much love and blessings,