Forum Post: Stop Work for 1 Day
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 11:23 a.m. EST by Beantowner
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We should remind our government and the 1 percent who is responsible for their wealth, and just maybe they might think differently about how they view their success.
Let's do it!
Gandhi did the same thing in India. He called for a national day of prayer and reflection. It worked, the whole country came to a grinding halt. It worked, spectacularly.
Its like not buying gas for a day to make a point.
You'll just buy more tomorrow.
This is no secret and it doesn't work
True, business will resume the following day - but everywhere it's been tried, it works, spectacularly.
Ah, it works... It works very well in Europe...
Sorry but I need to pay my bills and feed my dog.
Plus I like my job
This is called "General Strike", and they do it very often in Europe.
There are two kinds of General Strikes: for indefinite time, or just for one day.
One-day General Strikes are usual thing in France, Italy, and other European countries.
I would just get paid anyway.
Sounds cool though
It's kind of similar to a comment I made on another thread. If we all picked one day to stop working and hold our own protest by simply sitting out peacefully on a street, then we'd definitely make a statement. Don't go grocery shopping, don't drive unless it's to get to a city where people are protesting. Just sit for a day in protest. We all need to pick the same day to do this.