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Forum Post: Stop Work for 1 Day

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 11:23 a.m. EST by Beantowner (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We should remind our government and the 1 percent who is responsible for their wealth, and just maybe they might think differently about how they view their success.




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[-] 1 points by Cuwen (43) from Clarinda, IA 13 years ago

Let's do it!

[-] 1 points by JohnB (138) 13 years ago

Gandhi did the same thing in India. He called for a national day of prayer and reflection. It worked, the whole country came to a grinding halt. It worked, spectacularly.

[-] 1 points by phantom3 (110) 13 years ago

Its like not buying gas for a day to make a point.

You'll just buy more tomorrow.

This is no secret and it doesn't work

[-] 1 points by JohnB (138) 13 years ago

True, business will resume the following day - but everywhere it's been tried, it works, spectacularly.

[-] 1 points by LearnSomeHistory (58) 13 years ago

Ah, it works... It works very well in Europe...

[-] 1 points by phantom3 (110) 13 years ago

Sorry but I need to pay my bills and feed my dog.

Plus I like my job

[-] 1 points by LearnSomeHistory (58) 13 years ago

This is called "General Strike", and they do it very often in Europe.

[-] 1 points by LearnSomeHistory (58) 13 years ago

There are two kinds of General Strikes: for indefinite time, or just for one day.

One-day General Strikes are usual thing in France, Italy, and other European countries.

[-] 1 points by phantom3 (110) 13 years ago

I would just get paid anyway.

Sounds cool though

[-] 1 points by Cuwen (43) from Clarinda, IA 13 years ago

It's kind of similar to a comment I made on another thread. If we all picked one day to stop working and hold our own protest by simply sitting out peacefully on a street, then we'd definitely make a statement. Don't go grocery shopping, don't drive unless it's to get to a city where people are protesting. Just sit for a day in protest. We all need to pick the same day to do this.