Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 12:26 a.m. EST by NotaSupporter
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At some point we as a country became the biggest load of whiners on earth. Shut up, get a job, get off your iWhatever and do work!
Haha so pathetic. I made this image
We are so glad you have a job, that makes you part of the 99%. The 1% do not have jobs and do not pay taxes, they own corporations. You seem close minded and uninformed, this is not about people wanting to get "a job" is about the economy and political systems that have brought the world to an unprecedented crisis. This is not about you in particular, is about the notion that while corporations report record earnings by abusing labor laws in foreign countries, not paying taxes and laying off employees there are more hungry and sick people than ever. It's not just about fairness, it's about humanity. What gives oil companies the right to extract natural resources and they get to keep all the profit and they sell us gasoline? The natural resources belong to all of us, yes, the lazy, uneducated, dirty people too. " you have done it to one of the least of these my brothers, you have done it to me.." Matthew 25:40 Get the stick off your ass, let's take care of each other!
"The 1% do not have jobs and do not pay taxes, they own corporations" I would love to see you in that position. To say owning a corporation isn't a job is just idiotic. You wouldn't last ten minutes.
"What gives oil companies the right to extract natural resources and they get to keep all the profit and they sell us gasoline?" You're right, you go get the oil, as much as you need. Whats that? No drill? No technology? No ability to get this resource that supposedly belongs to you??? If only there were a company we could pay to get the oil for us and process it into something we could use.... Oh well, if only someone had thought of a way to do that....
I do not own a corporation , my husband does for the last 10 yrs. His electrical company made over 460K last year and he paid 0 taxes. He bought me a new SUV as company car, our vacations were business trips, and few other perks. He loves what he does, he does not have a "job", he has people working for him. He would NOT mind paying taxes if every one else does, after all he wouldn't be successful without the infrastructure, security and trained workers payed by the tax payers. Regarding your last sentence ".. Oh well, if only someone had thought of a way to do that...." This is exactly what this revolution is all about, coming up with new and innovative ways for all us to enjoy the abundance. May be instead of criticizing you can pitch in with some ideas on how to create better economical and political systems; nothing we have and have seen in other countries seems to work anymore. Be optimistic, be creative, be humane! Be part of the game changing generation!
a lot of us have jobs, especially the workers in a union. They are, after all, a union of workers.
OMG, dont get me started on unions. The root of all evil. Talk about whiners.
teachers' unions yeah, root of all evil
Yup a group of people who only work 3/4's of the year and constantly whine about how hard their job is, how they need more time off, how students are harder to teach, blah blah blah
srsly, all you do is whine about other people. no wonder you use that word a lot. teachers are some of the most people we have. they teach our children. they have to deal your crazy kids. I guess nurses unions are out too. they only care for the sick. enjoy your life, whiner.
Not a troll here, just someone with the right to disagree.
Annoying Douche is Annoying
Obvious troll is obvious
I don't have time to come up with an argument. I have a job I have to be at in the morning. Thats how I make money, thats how I have health insurance, thats how I am living the American Dream I AM THE 99%
That's not a very convincing argument. I have a job too.
That was more a comment for the majority of people who are a part of this so called "revolution"
Sure, most people protesting don't have jobs :) To me, this isn't about health insurance or free money, it's about ultra rich screwing everyone else over and buying politicians.
So its about Jealousy. Guess what there are always going to be rich people and there will always be middle class people working hard to keep the rich rich.
It's not jealousy to me. I've worked closely with people in the 1% and can clearly see they aren't happy.
Yes, there will always be rich and poor people, and it is silly to propose solving that (and I hate how people think the movement is about that). It's about how their money can buy politicians.
no its about 20 something couples who works 40+ hours at min wage to keep a roof over their heads in an apt just outside the whitetrash neighborhood and have to give over a third or their paycheck to the gov for school loans that bought them an education they cant use!!!
HAHAHA Thats life sweetheart. That couple should be happy they live in a great country and realize it takes money to make it a great country. Instead they are spoiled brats who don't know how good they have it. In many countries the roads actually are bad-- not the little sissy potholes Americans complain about because they might have to slow from 75 mph to 50 mph, but roads that are actually impassable when it rains and where bridges wash out and can not be replaced. Just about every country, but the U.S., actually does live with the possibility that a foreign nation could attack and even invade them with impunity. Some examples would be: Grenada, Panama, Lebanon, Iraq, Vietnam, Cambodia, Afghanistan..... Foreign invasion is not a real concern for Americans. The power rarely goes out; the hospitals have medicines; crime is relatively rare, often solved and punished; schools have teachers, books, roofs and heat; there are safety nets (admittedly with holes) for the poor, the mentally ill, the elderly; there are libraries; consumers have protections; drinking water is safe and wastes are removed; and a hundred other things actually function because we pay for them and that couple has a right to an education they chose to take loans out for.
These people don't listen to logic, they only listen to people who pander to them about taking down people more fortunate than they are.
That's not a very convincing argument.