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Forum Post: Stop The Naked Short Selling, The Real Problum !!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 12:16 p.m. EST by STOPNAKEDSHORTING (3)
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The real problem is the DTCC a private clearing house that bought up all the competition , they are the only clearing house for American stocks! And who is the DTCC owned by? The Wall Street Big Wigs!!! Protest should concentrate on the naked short selling issue, that is the real problem and only about 2% of the people know about this! Start with Signs at the protest saying That will get the DTCC and the big wigs worrying a little bit more!

Note 1: The Security and Exchange Commission, the SEC, is the police force for Wall Street. Their top job is to protect the public. Note 2: The Depository Trust Clearing Corporation, the DTCC’s is a private company whose job is to oversee the settlement of virtually all the trades in the United States Market. In other words, the DTCC’s main job is to make sure the brokers are delivering real shares and not counterfeit shares to the investment public. Note 3: The Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs is a Congressional Committee responsible for overseeing the SEC, the Stock Market, and the Banks. They are the ultimate watchdogs of the Economy. The SEC under the leadership of former Chairmen Christopher Cox, the DTCC under the leadership of Donald F. Donahue and the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs led by Republican Richard Shelby and Democrat Christopher Dodd all are guilty of betraying the American Public. They all should be immediately fired and all should be investigated for fraud and possible kickbacks. Under their watch they allowed the large Wall Street Financial Banks/Brokers to destroy and pillage the American Economy. These individuals sat back and did noting while the financial elite counterfeited shares of companies like BCIT & CMKX & Siri and thousands of other companies. BCIT the Smoking Gun. BCIT is the smoking gun. BCIT has undeniable proof that well over 350 million counterfeit shares of BCIT stock were created by the large banks/brokers. Furthermore, BCIT’s case shows that the SEC, the DTCC and Congress were all well aware of this and refused to do anything about it. The Naked Shorting criminals pocked well over 50 million dollars from the counterfeiting of BCIT stock alone. After we provide our evidence, we hope you the American Public will begins to understand how broken our Economy really is and will help us spread the word about what is really happening within our economy. All it takes is for one person to stand up to the injustices and say enough is enough followed by another, then another and soon a movement is born. We hope this report will start such a movement and that you will stand up with us. We only ask that you forward this report on because this effects EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN! Only through public awareness and public pressure will we succeed in getting rid of the criminals that run Wall Street. Only through public awareness and public pressure will we be able to make the changes necessary to fix our Economy. Without these changes our kids will inherit an America that is a shell of itself. An America with staggering higher taxes, a lower standard of living, and fewer job opportunities. Conversely the Wall Street rich and powerful will continue to get away with their criminal activates against their fellow Americans without any consequences. Two hundred years ago, our forefathers would have gathered up their guns and pitchforks and used them to run all of the Wall Street Financial Bankers/Brokers, Market Regulators and Congressional Leaders that caused the Credit Crisis out of town. Today we do the exact opposite. Instead of punishing those who caused the Credit Crisis we bail them out. They destroyed our economy and we reward them by giving them trillions of dollars. We must change this. The day the large Wall Street Financial Banks/Brokers became greater than the law was the day that the American Economy’s fate was sealed. We must make the large Wall Street Financial Banks/Brokers accountable for their actions. We must make our Congressional leaders and Market Regulators accountable for not doing their jobs. Accountability must mean firings and jail time for those involved in causing the Credit Crisis or nothing will ever change.



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[-] 1 points by Chupacabra (55) from Houston, TX 13 years ago

"We must make the large Wall Street Financial Banks/Brokers accountable for their actions. We must make our Congressional leaders and Market Regulators accountable for not doing their jobs. Accountability must mean firings and jail time for those involved in causing the Credit Crisis or nothing will ever change."

Bravo - well said.

[-] 1 points by RationalReaper (188) 13 years ago

Great to see this post.I'm with you on that...definately naked short selling is a major part of the collapse....the practice must be outlawed.