Forum Post: Stop the Corporate Two Party Political Co-Opting of the Movement: THIS ENDS NOW
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 5:29 p.m. EST by debbierl
from Adams, MA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The momentum of the current Occupy Wall St movement is channeling the American publics' anger, sadness, frustration with the corporate dominion over our economic, government, military,educational, and justice systems. Now that the American people have reached their threshold for tolerating corporate abuse, it is absolutely IMPERATIVE that we do not allow our voices to be silenced by the co-opting of this movement into either wing of the corporately financed and controlled Democrat/Republican two party system.
Make no mistake. The corporately owned political party leaders will try to break the Occupy movement. The democratic party will try to co-opt it for their general election strategy in 2012. The republican party will work to discredit it as a democratic party group operative and seek to divide the country from uniting against the corporate power structure that suppresses ALL of us.
We can not allow the corporate political operatives to define the peoples' movement. We must now define it ourselves. In this movement, we have a true opportunity to break the electoral enslavement of supporting corporately subsidized political candidates that represent the 1%.
It is long past time that we transcend political politics and hold every politician who betrays the PEOPLE to the corporate power structure to FULL ACCOUNT.
As the protest grows and expands globally, President Obama provides lip service to the movement and acts to stab the American people in the back. Last week, he sent to Congress for passage THREE THREE Nafta style 'free trade' agreements (Columbia, Panama, South Korea). Agreements crafted under George W Bush...Miraculously, this Congress that fails to act with any sense of duty or urgency to aid the American citizenry, swiftly passed bills that will off-shore more American jobs and further lower American wages.
With the passage of these trade deals,this Presidential administration and Congress demonstrated that it will act in a bipartisan cooperation to represent those they truly serve...the corporations.
This is a call out to the people...the bloggers, the artists, the activist, the musicians, the web designers and computer geeks to work together on a campaign to end the corporate domination of our political system and break the hold of a corporately controlled two party system.
Our rallying cry......
Join us...
No more 2 party monopoly
This is absolutely correct, I was outraged when heard about these new trade agreements.
George Soros Please Co-Opt Me! Seriously I will take your money for My #OWS Quest cc: #OccupyWallStreet
The problem is that when you seek to help a whole group of people, you end up helping those that support you as well as those who don't. It's no big secret which side of the political aisle most of the OWS protesters sit on.
Let's start the dialogue with critical thinking and inspiration towards action together right now.
Both parties front for the global elite wealth class.
Obama is no FDR. And, I see no ethic, courage, or principle demonstrated by him that would indicate he will continue to be anything other then the corporate diffuser for political anger at the corporations he represents.
Obama is no FDR. And, I see no ethic, courage, or principle demonstrated by him that would indicate he will continue to be anything other then the corporate diffuser for political anger at the corporations he represents.
The Democrats have already stopped a similar movement when FDR realized the momentum that Huey Long had initiated and was able to convince the US Aristocracy that they had better throw a bone to the masses or they would lose everything to them. This has chaffed them no end and they have fought the New Deal tooth and nail. They do not now have a person as bright nor as articulate as FDR to convince them that their survival hinges on their not pushing the masses any further nor do they have a leader who can convince the masses that they have an advocate in Washington. You people are on the right track but that track is frought with danger, not the least of which will be another FDR type bone being tossed to you that takes away all of your momentum.