Forum Post: Stop the buying for one year
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 2:58 p.m. EST by bigdaddy
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I keep saying this over and over again, 'STOP THE BUYING', and heads will turn. Buy what you need to survive but stop buying everything else. On JAN1st 2012 lets make a commitment to 'STOP THE BUYING' for one year.
Brilliant idea!! So run out right now and buy a years supply of toilet paper, food, drinks, tooth paste, contacts and contact solution, tampons, condoms, deodorant laundry detergent, soap, pet food, gas,......did I leave anything out?
don't forget : water as you won't want to buy that off the government. music, books, video games, drumsticks, "medications", and antibiotics
does it count when you are buying from the neighborhood drug dealer rather than a corporation?
Or, maybe y'all could just stop living beyond your means.
I always wonder where these "poor" kids get $60 a month for their fancy smartphone plans.
heck they all have better cars and computers than I do and I'm very close to being in the 1%! of course, that might be why I'm not "poor", I didn't spend it.