Forum Post: Stop the bullshit posts and get organized
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 12:19 p.m. EST by georgetown
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I'm an 82 year old veteran and professional who has become discouraged that America is no longer what I was taught to respect and support. It is evident that Lincoln's "government of the people. by the people, and for the people" already has mostly perished, and major "change" is needed given the current and growing unfairness rampant in the oligarchy that American has become.
My initial reaction to the news about OWS was encouragement and some degree of hope. However, when I read the inane, irrational, nonsensical, crude, unthinking blather that characterizes a large proportion of the posted comments, I despair that any meaningful change will happen unless more thoughtful heads begin to articulate and organize around what the OSW "may be" all about.
I suggest unless the movement begins to organize (which I doubt given the content of too way many posts) around the various underlying issues embedded in a sustaining slogan such as "ECONOMIC, POLITICAL, LEGAL JUSTICE FOR THE 99%" this movement will dissolve into a meaningless blip that accomplishes nothing except creation of numerous soiled public parks around the country. That would be a meaningless waste.
Lincoln was a tryant, and a traitor. He gave colorful pretty words and framed himself to be a hero, but he was a bloodthirsty animal, as bad as GW. Go read "The Real Lincoln" by Thomas DeLorenzo, It's all referenced and completely factually true.
We would do better to listen to Dr. King, not Lincoln. He was one of the most dedicated patriots for our country, advocating for peace, equality, and ending the violence of empire. Unfortunately both Dr. King and Kennedy were murdered within about a year.
Occupy is doing fine. It's growing in intellect at the moment. That's an important part of a life of a movement. Just wait till Europe really detonates (sept?) and Japan detonates... It's going to get real!
Wikigovern. Edemocracy. Netroundtable. Webnation. Evote... who is gonna create that platform in cyberspace where we respnsabily can start to propose, amend, vote, consent, budget, implement the governing body of our world with no more politicians, partys or middle men?
While I agree that the open nature of the forums can be frustrating for many reasons, we do need to remember how young this movement is. It needs time to mature and find its legs. That's not a call to avoid making this page more accessible to newbies or organizing it into forums, threads, or wikis (I am for all that).
Patience is a virtue. If you see something you don't like - don't quit; work to make it better.
How about this :
If you can make pasta, you can boil milk solids. This resin can be made into & made more efficient with & some computer skills, & it's free since it's open-source. There are groups who will help you create a Reprap. From this 3-D Printer, you can make plates, utensils, sandals toys & any other premade form you find on the open-source net. Finally, you can then make the parts for an aqua-culture fish farm basin & hydroponics vegetable, or sustainable food production. Then a water catch & filtration system, (ever have a pool, not much more complicated). A little wind & or solar tech to power it all, built into an (which is a sustainable home made from reused/recycled materials) All we need are cows, silicon, fish, seeds, old tire yards, (i'll be honest, i don't know how solar works, but i can make electricity with magnets). The point is, Off the Grid, Sustainability, is possible & cheaper, because it's open-sourced. This is the backbone of a new civilization, one that doesn't need money, politics, corporations, religion, poverty or war. Imagine, what would this do for the welfare state? & how this kind of "Welfare-to-work" program, could get people off the dole, forever! We as a society, could then recreate our education systems, so that they focused, on early development of the Trivium & Quadrivium, before High School. Then, in high school, each child would be ready to create that which i described above. Imagine now, that each child, had the knowledge of creating & maintaining their own sustainable, off the grid home, before they went off to college?
The Truth does exist, & it is Knowable. & the Truth is, we can create the Paradigm Shift, ourselves, by unleashing these weapons of mass creation.
I'm not sure I agree with the open nature at this point.
There are a lot of voices expressing frustration and anger over many areas that need to be changed, but that same open-ended format is causing a scattering of voices instead of being honed into something precise and focused.
Scattered voices are isolated and carry no weight.
There are ideas on these forums that, if implemented, would bring significant change, and we have to actually start somewhere.
Is there any practical way to filter out intentionally distracting material? What could function to keep trolls off the forum?
Also, I don't think it's time to place any ultimatums on ourselves, such as "If we don't do this, we'll fail..." To me, the open-ended nature of the movement is, at this stage, very important.
Don't criticize get out and make your voice heard. OWS is not an organization. OWS is not a singular message. OWS is people supporting people promoting change. You say you agree that change is needed so help us make this change real.
we are the 99 we are growing we will not react to your violence peace will always triumph
I ignore the comments that seem to be written by aids to congressmen and state legislators. We know in our hearts and minds what we are supporting in OWS. They are staying the course, keeping those out as supporters but not speaking for the movement. Those that write idiotic posts are just people that will be picked up by the bootstraps and will enjoy the fruits of these labors by the OWS. All we can do is keep supporting any way we can. Proud of them, and proud to see that Americans are standing up for themselves.
I ignore the comments that seem to be written by aids to congressmen and state legislators. We know in our hearts and minds what we are supporting in OWS. They are staying the course, keeping those out as supporters but not speaking for the movement. Those that write idiotic posts are just people that will be picked up by the bootstraps and will enjoy the fruits of these labors by the OWS. All we can do is keep supporting any way we can. Proud of them, and proud to see that Americans are standing up for themselves.