Forum Post: Stop selling off USA to Wall Street
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 5:52 p.m. EST by aleglot
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We have to articulate our principals and demand at least:
- New campain finance law where all candidates will have equal limited resources. We have to stop money competition, as elected offcials will eventually have to pay back their donors. That itself corrupt our system.
- Tax reform with progressive taxation.
- Health care should not be in hands of Wall Street. Health care can not and shoud not be for profit business. Government shoud provide free health care to taxpayers by collecton more taxes. I think 3% will take care of all our health care needs. Privat insurance should be an additional option for super reech.
- Government has to mandate all mortagae holders to automatically refinance all mortgages to today low interest rate without palying qualification games. All underwater morgages shoudl be adjustged to current values.