Forum Post: Stop propagating contemptuous viewpoints of OWS broadcast by corporate media.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 3:07 a.m. EST by abmebratu
from Washington, DC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The corporate media in general has propagated the stereotypical and contentious image of the OWS movement as a bunch of "Dirty Hippies".... Is this really appropriate in a nation that prides itself as being civilized??? Then again, I recall what they called civil rights activists in media before it became cool to praise the civil rights movement. I guess we have to be victorious to be respected.
One must just remember, who it is that controls the media. Their job is to shape political views of division.
We know it's not true and most of America knows it's not true. The MSM also spread terrible lies about the tea parties. It didn't stop them.
Ignore it and keep on keepin' on!
Indeed, they have used the same tactics that were used against the tea party, just different spin, from the other side. I am concerend that this movememt may be co-opted as the tea party was, just the other side. I hope the PEOPLE will not let that happen.
you are being disrespected because you are making an impact and they aren't at the helm. keep faith.