Forum Post: Stop police repression of the press!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 12:55 a.m. EST by aliveoccupation
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
One of the most disturbing components of the police crackdown that's taken place against occupations around the country within the past several days has been the concerted effort made by numerous police departments to keep members of the press from witnessing and documenting events. The less documentation, the more numerous and the more severe are police excesses. We need documentation both for our own self-defense and for the sake of showing and telling the world what's really happening.
I propose that at the next major action, a small group (8-10) of very disciplined, polite, and calm occupiers act as "media ushers." This group would simply follow around select reporters, acting as a buffer between the media and police. If reporters were told to leave a given area, particularly right before the onset of arrests as has happened frequently in recent days, the media ushers would lock arms around the reporters. To work, this would require the consent of the reporters involved. I suspect that many in the MSM would question the relationship as compromising their "objectivity" (though few of them saw similar problems with being "embedded" in Iraq and Afghanistan!). However, I suspect that there are many in alternative media (particularly those who have already received harsh treatment by the police!) who would welcome the relationship.
Hmm, well what has worked with us is cooperation with a group called 'Copwatch'.
Copwatch are volunteers who wear reflective orange safety vests, with the words 'Cop watch' on them. and carry cameras. These reflective vests as a 'uniform' have the same intimidating effect against cops that the Cops uniforms have against protestors.
Copwatch seem to be quasi-military in structure, well at least they stand together to form a solid unbroken line.
If the cops are up to no good, Copwatch then start photographing the cop, especially his badge and name tag. Copwatch have a policy that they themselves are never photographed, so remember this if you do this. Edit out their faces, or blur them out.
Cops are trained to grab and smash cameras, so if you take a picture of a bad cop, try to keep it subtle or maybe use a disposable camera.
It sounds like OWS, and maybe Occupy Oakland, really needs something like this. The Copwatch people can stand in front of journalists, usher them in, and then offer a first line of defence.
I would suggest using ranks like the cops/ military does. Have copwatch escort the journalists, and move in as a military squad would. Have a plan ahead of time of where to retreat to/ split up and regroup if the Police rush your line.