Forum Post: Stop nato warcrime coverup by corporate media and expose facts of the 1%
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 9:48 a.m. EST by seeker
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
One way to stop 1% is take them to the Hauge and try them for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Seize corporate assets of all those involved including international central banking, media and most governments. This will effectively bring down and expose and dissolve the evil of the 1%. Dont shoot the messenger..This message must go viral.
OCCUPY? who made up that name other than psyops government? come on sheeple. occupy is a movement made up by our government as a TRIGGER to start martial law. fema is right on track with its plans. it should be obvious!!! this website is extremely organized!!! but the "movement" is pointless scattered unorganized etc. everything is not as it seems. open your eyes. LOOK UP! monsanto must be destroyed. this is a wordwide thing sheeples.
Occupy as far as i know is the word commonly used in Europe that means to squat. Inspired by the Spanish may15 protests. I am sure the elite have a plan to infiltrate and control the world wide revolution and to steer it to suit their agenda.. Its up to we the people not to let this happen.