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Forum Post: Stop lying to yourselves.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 6:36 a.m. EST by ete23 (44)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Evolution is observable. You have to remember that we can't say for sure how old this existence were apart of is. We know time exists and we know that it's responsible for everything changing. Time travel is ridiculous so we will never know how all this was created. Remember that its important to go by what is observable. what you can see, hear, feel etc. People that say they believe, felt God or 'spoke' with, whatever, realize that this is most likely just biological reactions happening in your body/mind.

That whole of existence is connected. Everything that is here is meant to be here. The way everything works together changing/creating is the deepest 'art form' there is. We should focus on our future. The earth, the populations of species, the environment and the love we should inherently give for our lives and existence as a whole. our focus should not be getting into the 'afterlife' of some God from books or other peoples ideas. Be peaceful. Know that you will never know what is the 'truth'. You will never know if there is a God or Gods responsible for this.

Its a true waste of time to debate or argue over the existence of God, prophets of God because, it can't be proven. Realize that the likelihood of a universal truth of how existence is possible or if God will come back and 'save' us will not happen in our lifetimes. Human Life really is brief compared to the vastness of existence and time. Evolution is totally understandable and makes sense. Its such a waste that people argue about whether of not its possible. We are intelligent. We can make more changes in our lifetimes that could really help human evolution, biologically and spiritually for our future generations.

Evolution is of the mind. We can't take back what we have done as a species to ourselves and the earth but, we could make great changes to ensure a longer survival of our existence as humans. Realize that you can't predict everything the earth will do, or what the universe will commit. We are only a very small part of the picture. Know God is an idea. Not a observable thing or feeling or reaction. This idea of God stems off to many religions.

Billions of people share a bound from religions. What we should be doing is not sharing a bound among God believers but a bound among humans. You have been had. Religions are to control you. Know the world is yours but were in this together. As humans our minds are basically put into motion by what is happening around us. We feed off each other, 'karma' is just an idea. This is why it is important to remember history. To remember what was done to get us to this point.

You control this, not a 'God'. You have a voice, you can change what you want. Larger changes take more time, effort, commitment and in a sense, larger changes take a larger amount of people to sign on. Whether you think you are being controlled or not, know that it really does limit your view of observable existence. At this point we shouldn't rely on books from thousands of years ago.

We are not 'perfect' we have inherited and continue to pass on every second bad ideas that do nothing for us. We are not trapped by elites or bankers or government or religions. We are trapped by ourselves. Our greed for one thing. Why all the greedy? Can you take anything with you? no you can't. Dead is dead. The mind and body work on an observable finite scale. Your mind is a part of your body and we know that if the body doesn't work the mind won't either so probably no 'afterlife'. I just laugh when people discuss this afterlife or immaterial reality. Why care about that when you are here. What you do here affects here not the afterlife. Focus on bettering what we observe, measure, feel, see, etc. Not focusing on what we believe because it will get us nowhere. We will never agree on everything, we won't ever be on the same path. But, know that even if our paths are different they all end the same way.

The common bound all of us share. life and death. Make the most of life because, its all we have. literally. Without our lives, without our mind(s) and bodies being developed to this point we would never experience existence at this 'level'. We have struggled and survived long enough to make our life way more convenient. (technology, internet, medicine, nutrition, etc).

Stop hoarding the convenience. Clean up your lives. Try and try harder to do the 'right' things. Become unaffected or stop being affected by what doesn't make sense to you. Know what does make sense and go by that. Progress is a process. Heed what is happening because to survive we basically do the same tasks over and over everyday until we expire. Improve on the 'design', improve on the 'creation'. Improve your lives. You can't change the past. But, you can try to undue it, undue the bs, lies, the hate, the discrimination and make the future better.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by Sovereign (20) 13 years ago

What about the soul?

[-] 1 points by ete23 (44) 13 years ago

Chemistry with Charisma

"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you." -Dr. Seuss

--Rid the Human Conscious of Religious Beliefs--

[-] 1 points by badconduct (550) 13 years ago

Maybe mankind just needs to be controlled? Maybe that's an evolutionary process to keep the system in check, otherwise, it will fall apart.

[-] 1 points by FutureTense (48) 13 years ago

well, how well has that worked out?

[-] 1 points by badconduct (550) 13 years ago

Lasted the Romans 1500 years. Ask Egypt how anarchy is working out for them, and how long that will last.

[-] 1 points by ete23 (44) 13 years ago

Smoke weed everyday

You first need to stop lying to yourself. There are no prophets, no awakening, no savior, no enlightenment. There is only consciousness. Base your thinking on reality. Base it on the ideas and actions that make sense to you. World peace starts with inner peace. Be at peace with the fact you will never know for sure all that is going on in the universe. Don't think a 'God' or energy or whatever has your life predetermined. There is no fate. There is only change and progress.

Sure you could sit back like a monk and meditate all your life and 'rise' your consciousness to a level of peace and understanding with existence. But if you want to 'see' change. If you want to really see with your eyes and hear and feel the love we all can release, then you must become a factor. You must join the conversation, you must speak your mind. Freedom of speech? Does every country even have freedom of speech? Why are we allowing our people to live with fear that if they speak out for whats right, if they speak out for justice and equality and freedom and a chance for themselves but, more importantly a chance for their futures and their children's future they will be jailed or killed or tortured or anything.

Its not about 'waking up' or 2012 or Jesus coming back or killing the non believers. Its about realizing whats happening right now around you. Realize what got us to this point as a society. Realize the mistakes made. Realize that a few people have inherited great power( like people who can launch nukes and start wars and manipulate markets. People who control the news and will report on what they want you to hear, people who make laws). Stop sitting back while corruption happens. Demand transparency from our leaders. If you really want to call them 'leaders'. Because, at this point with the internet and video and media we can all become leaders.

Life advances into its own purpose, the experience of its own existence. You have potential. Use it.

[-] 1 points by ete23 (44) 13 years ago

Go with Jesus main message: LOVE.

disregard everything else because its all just a book with NO PROOF.

Start wearing upside down crosses for Love. Lets make Christians flip out

[-] 1 points by FutureTense (48) 13 years ago

jews created christianity to corrupt it

[-] 1 points by ete23 (44) 13 years ago

Beware of Beliefs! It is better to reside in the realm of anxiety and not knowing rather than succumb to the slumber of beliefs. Beliefs are merely thoughts and perceptions of other fallible human beings that sound like Truth but under investigation...turn out to be...not. Live your life from your own Truths...through your own experiences...or even blazingly discard all beliefs and become a vessel for true knowledge. Get comfortable saying...I Don't Know...feel how it feels to not have the answers and even better...to not need them.


[-] 1 points by badconduct (550) 13 years ago

Did you build a whole website based on the soundtrack of Final Fantasy 7?

[-] 1 points by ete23 (44) 13 years ago



[-] 2 points by FutureTense (48) 13 years ago

for the most part, yes. but the people in contol have been doing this evil for thousands and thousands of years. we must send them unto exile and rid their power of influence if this world is to be any better. these people have proven themselves throughout history that mutual coexistence is not an option. i didnt make that decsion for them, they chose to do so on their own. they have more faith in their influence and power then they do humanity, and for that they will be punished. good will always triumph over evil.


[-] 1 points by FutureTense (48) 13 years ago

good read, ill post this on my website later


[-] 1 points by ete23 (44) 13 years ago

You first need to stop lying to yourself. There are no prophets, no awakening, no savior, no enlightenment. There is only consciousness. Base your thinking on reality. Base it on the ideas and actions that make sense to you. World peace starts with inner peace. Be at peace with the fact you will never know for sure all that is going on in the universe. Don't think a 'God' or energy or whatever has your life predetermined. There is no fate. There is only change and progress.

Sure you could sit back like a monk and meditate all your life and 'rise' your consciousness to a level of peace and understanding with existence. But if you want to 'see' change. If you want to really see with your eyes and hear and feel the love we all can release, then you must become a factor. You must join the conversation, you must speak your mind. Freedom of speech? Does every country even have freedom of speech? Why are we allowing our people to live with fear that if they speak out for whats right, if they speak out for justice and equality and freedom and a chance for themselves but, more importantly a chance for their futures and their children's future they will be jailed or killed or tortured or anything.

Its not about 'waking up' or 2012 or Jesus coming back or killing the non believers. Its about realizing whats happening right now around you. Realize what got us to this point as a society. Realize the mistakes made. Realize that a few people have inherited great power( like people who can launch nukes and start wars and manipulate markets. People who control the news and will report on what they want you to hear, people who make laws). Stop sitting back while corruption happens. Demand transparency from our leaders. If you really want to call them 'leaders'. Because, at this point with the internet and video and media we can all become leaders.

Life advances into its own purpose, the experience of its own existence. You have potential. Use it.
