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Forum Post: Stop its not just the 1%

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 3:43 p.m. EST by JoeyRockstar (38)
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You know this shit goes full circle.Stop crying nobody deserves free anything ,the big banks to I agree . You all need to realise there are people are messing up the country full circle. What about unemployment people NOT looking for jobs and just collecting others tax money . What about people selling food stamps for drugs with other peoples tax money.I know some of you occupy people do this. I think random piss test for people who collect wellfare is not to much to ask for,I think verifying all work search logs to make sure you are looking for a job is not to much to ask for to seperate people who are really hurting then those stealing tax money and abusing the system as well. THIS HYPOCRITE SHIT IS WHY IM NOT PROTESTING.YES THE 1% IS TO BLAME SOME BUT I WILL NOT SHARE THE STREETS WITH OTHER PEOPLE LIKE DESCRIBED ABOVE



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[-] 1 points by JoeyRockstar (38) 13 years ago

You want cheaper taxes paid and more jobs.Tell your state to hire a group to monitor the people collecting benefits off your tax dollars.I will bet anything the amount of foodstamp cards and unemployment checks being revoked would equal to the pay people would get to monitor this kind of stuff better.I have no problem with those who do the right things but those that coast by from this stuff and abuse it I despise. If its you stop crying and go the fuck home seriously ,you are scum just like the "1%"