Forum Post: STop Corporate harassment
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 12:54 p.m. EST by ragincajun
from Pleasant Hill, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Stop Corporate harassment! When people fervently and absolutely believe in a cause they will many times go to great lengths to promote it. History is replete with examples of individuals and groups who have been willing to go to these great lengths, even willing to die or kill for a cause, particularly when they believe their cause is morally or religiously just. In recent years, a number of groups and individuals, in an effort to promote and further their cause, have begun to use stalking to intimidate their opposition. Most people who believe fervently in a cause also believe that for justice and right to be done, their side must prevail. Often though, those deeply committed to a cause see the end results as more crucial than the path to get there, a path that many times includes stalking. This type of stalking, though, no matter how worthy the perpetrator may believe its motivation is, can be just as devastating to the victims as any other type. Cause stalking is one of the tactics used by these groups to intimidate their adversaries. The primary characteristic of cause stalking is that it is done by large groups of people. A target will always be followed, but he is unlikely to see the same stalkers very often. Cause stalking has been used by extremist groups since the early 1990s, when these groups realized that they had no chance of promoting their agenda. They decided to use stalking to intimidate their adversaries. The basic system is alleged to have been developed by the Ku Klux Klan and refined through years of use, but it is not new. This type of stalking has been used throughout history in many different cultures. Groups appeal to those who have feelings of inferiority, powerlessness and anger. Groups do not just stalk individuals. They employ organized programs of harassment, which include break-ins, property damage, assault and occasionally, even death. The children of a target are a favorite target. One extremist leader said that his group could do whatever a target can do and go where ever the target can go. They will do anything to achieve their objective. Groups are well financed. He can afford to rent property, where ever the target lives. If he drives across country, he will be followed by supporters of similar groups in that area. If he travels by plane, group members will meet him wherever he lands in US. They may even accompany him on the plane if they know his travel plan, and there is a good chance that they do. Groups sometimes described their methods as fact, First Amendment, chaos and tactics, which they borrowed from the militia movement. The residents will ideally be triangulated. So anytime the target goes outside he can be harassed. Group members maintain a vigil around the targets residence. They can have people sitting in stairways or even milling about, just outside the apartment. In a United States Marine Corps summary on the rise of domestic terrorism in its relation to the United States Armed Forces, Lieut. Cmdr. Stephen Mark Presley said that the potential danger posed to society by many of the extremist and terrorist groups and organizations that exist today can be directly accessed from their links to convicted criminals and their associations with organized crime. There are two principal associations between domestic terrorist groups and the criminal subculture within the United States. The first and most obvious being the use of crimes such as robbery or theft and drug trafficking as a means to accumulate funding to achieve their higher goals. And secondly as a population and environment from which to recruit willing and able members. A target will sometimes experience loss of service of utilities or Internet access or cell phone service. Sometimes group members have been caught severing phone cables. Targets also experience loss of other services. It is common for targets to see a phone, cable or electric company line man standing on a pole near his residence, when he returns home the linemen may even signal to the target in some way like waving. In stores, groups may have the target paged, they may alert store security to a shoplifter or they may follow the target around, and harass them in any way they can. There may be four people who are looking at exactly the same items the target was looking at. If the target turns the tables, and reports that there is a suspicious group of people in the store, they will disappear and they won't use that tactic. Their mindset is that they are entitled to do anything they want to the target. When they are forced to maintain a distance, it causes conflict.